Does Bill Kristol enjoy making me laugh? That’s the most likely explanation of his most recent effusion, “Why February could matter,” examining the supposed likelihood of Rich “Rich the Sweater” Santorum plucking the “Anyone but Romney” banner from the trembling, arthritic hands of Newt Gingrich and racing to victory at the Republican Convention in Tampa…
What’s Next for the Stones?—Headline on the current issue of Rolling Stone, which, I guess, has to pretend that it cares.
If you work for AEI, you may be a redneck
Or maybe just a racist. Charles “I’m not a racist” Murray is back at it, with a hot new book about how those damn hippies ruined everything back in the Sixties, turning us all into muesli-munching, boutique beer-swilling brats and generally sending the whole damn country straight on the road to perdition. The white folks,…
Reason No. 47,883 why Israel is really, really going to bomb Iran this time: the Iranians won’t mind!
Yes, the New York Times, which enjoys running articles about why Israel is really going to bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities more than I enjoy making fun of Felix Salmon’s disenchantment with Suze Orman, is at it again. Israel probably should just go ahead and bomb the shit out of Iran because “Israeli intelligence estimates, backed…
The Virginia Governor’s School for the Arts Advanced Combo— “Monk’s Dream”
Performed at the Chantilly Jazz festival at Chantilly VA. on March 26, 2011. Posted by imnotu00
Michael Novak on Joe Paterno: So what if he ignored an eyewitness report of his assistant raping a ten-year-old boy?
Yes, that’s the position of Michael Novak, Catholic paleo-con windbag at the National Review, bemoaning the “injustice” done to “Great Man” Joe Paterno. “One of America’s greatest moral teachers for three generations gets a raw deal,” whines Mike, outraged by the fact that board of trustees at Penn State ousted Paterno without giving him an…
Newt goes down: the party’s over
I guess I’m not really ahead of the crowd on this one: the odds are very good that Mitt Romney will squash Newt Gingrich tomorrow like a thrice-married June bug. It gets worse: Despite all his bravado—and, surely, despite all his anger at being outspent by a margin of more than five to one—Newt will…
~~~The New Yorker
For official humor, go here. “Shit, Bob was a vegan! This thing’s taking no prisoners at all!” “‘Eat your vegetables or they’ll eat you’? ‘At least he’s eating local’? ‘That’s one ugly piece of asparagus’? Is that all you can say?” “You remember The Thing? I mean the original, the one directed by Howard Hawks,…
Felix Salmon: Suze Orman is a really big, really fat idiot!
Okay, it’s been at least a week since I last made fun of Felix and Suze O, so let’s get with it. Only three weeks ago, Felix wrote “I’m a big fan of Suze Orman.” Look at what he’s writing now: a post that’s headed “Suze Orman’s bad investment newsletter”! “Suze Orman’s bad investment newsletter!”…
“Newt’s Moon Speech: Not Actually Crazy”—Just Total Bullshit
Newt Gingrich is getting a lot of ink, photons, & pixels with his “promise” to Cape Canaveral area folks that he’s going to establish a permanent American colony on the moon, concluding his pitch with the following Gingrichian flourish: “When they have 13,000 Americans living on the moon,they can petition to become a state.” Over…