Yes, that’s the plan of our president, Barack “The Republicans can’t paint me in a corner if I do it first!” Obama, promising that he can harass, and bully, and humiliate a nation of 70 million people into doing exactly what he wants them to do, shutting his eyes to the fact that he will…
Jon Stewart doesn’t deserve this
The Daily ShowGet More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on Facebook He doesn’t. Jon Stewart gets paid a lot of money to think up funny stuff about the news. But thanks to U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) he doesn’t have to. All he has to do is run clips of…
The Beast that Cannot Die
“There are, perhaps, aspects of my personality of which I am unaware”—William Shatner We’ve all done it—made fun of that great walking ego known as William Shatner. Robert Schnakenberg did so in his brilliant book, Encyclopedia Shatnerica: An A to Z Guide to the Man and His Universe, which I recapitulated here.* Now Scott Brown…
Ehud Asherie & Dan Block—“Off Minor”
Ehuds on piano, Dan on sax. Recorded live at Smalls, New York City, November 20, 2008 by Michael Steinman. Posted by swingyoucats
You don’t have to be Jewish to find this funny
A Speedo in the Sunlight: When Matt Met Andy
“I don’t think there was a single day during that time when we did not flash each other or laugh with each other, or challenge each other. I still see him in my mind’s eye in Venice Beach, the sunny day I met him. He was in his mid 20’s. It was all there.“—Matt Drudge,…
Pseudo-New Yorker
Legal humor here. “Okay. Deegan sucks. Riverside sucks. Bruckner sucks. FDR sucks. Bronx River sucks. Tell me something I don’t know.” “Well, if we don’t reach Van Courtlandt Park by midnight, I’m turning into a fucking pumpkin. You deal with that.” “I think I’ve had just about enough of Pachelbel’s canon, thank you very much….
Jeff Sachs, ready to travel the world first class to help the poor, if someone else pays for it
Jeff Sachs, a self-promoting world-savior to rival Angelina Jolie, Madonna, and Oprah put together, wants the job at the World Bank. He’s currently pitching himself for the job, in an exercise of self-sanctifying prose the likes of which I have (fortunately) seldom seen: “My quest to help end poverty has taken me to more than…
Andrew Breitbart, I won’t miss him
Andrew Breitbart was another in a long line of cigar-chomping bad boys, starting, I guess, with William F. Buckley, Jr., and including such dubious characters as Newt Gingrich, Emmett Tyrrell, Jr., P.J. O’Rourke, and Rush Limbaugh,* propelled into political combat by the pomposity, sanctimony, hypocrisy, and incompetence of the Liberal Imagination, still reigning in many…
Larry Lindsey, looking for work?
Over at the Wall Street Journal, Lawrence Lindsey, briefly director of the National Economic Council under George Bush, goes ballistic on Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner for saying that wealthy Americans should be willing to pay higher taxes for the “privilege of being an American.” According to Larry, “Mr. Geithner’s argument highlights an unfortunate and very…