Legal humor here. “The same thing happened to me! I asked her to give me head, and then, shit, I don’t know, I guess I wasn’t paying attention.” “Yeah, I know they grow back, but, still, it’s embarrassing.” “The things you do for love, right?” “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, my palpitating abdomen!…
Yeah, she’s a Romney
Speaking in Stamford, Connecticut, Mitt’s missus said the following: “I love the fact that there are women out there who don’t have a choice and they must go to work and they still have to raise the kids.” Of course, she didn’t mean that she’s glad that some mothers have to work. She “meant” “I…
Spencer Ackerman, mad as hell and seemingly unlikely to take it much longer
At the Dish, Andrew Sullivan posts this rant by Spencer Ackerman on what’s wrong with DC, which he praises as “Best Spontaneous Anti-Beltway Rant Ever.” In fact, it’s a fairly predictable collection of bitches and moans about what happens when you shove together thousands of highly ambitious people in a few square miles of real…
Danger! Danger! Truth Overload! Israeli General calls Iran “very rational”! AP reveals dreaded North Korean missiles are fakes!
It’s true! Leon “the North Koreans are coming!” Panetta and the entire AIPAC nation must be having heart attacks at this news. I’ll let Jodi Rudoren at the NYT handle the first one: “The Israeli military chief [the chief of staff of the Israeli Defense Force, Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz*] described the Iranian government as…
Justice Scalia: Don’t worry, I’m still an asshole
Yes, in case you were worrying, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin “Nino” Scalia is still an asshole. In the Court’s recent oral argument on Arizona’s xenophobic legislation mandating police harassment of foreign-looking folks, reported by Damon Root for Reason, Nino showed himself to be heartily xenophobic, with precisely zero patience with “people who have no…
Barack Obama: Failing to appease the unappeasable
Poor Barack Obama! No matter how hard he tries to make Wall Street and the CIA love him, they won’t. Brad DeLong asks why the Wall Street big shots are crying and then answers his own question: What is there about 50% real increases in equity values over less than 3 ½ years that is…
Dick to Mitt: “Pick ME!”
Mitt Romney shouldn’t play politics with his choice for vice president, says ex-Veep Dick Cheney, according to a recent article in Politico. Picking a woman or an Hispanic simply for political reasons would be bad, in the opinion of the non-woman, non-Hispanic Cheney. Cheney, who, after his latest operation, has no physical heart at all,…
Joe Pass—“Sweethearts on Parade”
Back in the fifties, the rise of rock ‘n roll was taking a lot of the fun out of jazz, causing Norman Granz to sell his entire Verve catalog, one of the richest in jazz, and move to Europe. A very rich man, he used his money to attract a lot of big names, including…
Leon Panetta: Less than inch from being a douchebag
U.S. troops film themselves urinating on corpses in Afghanistan. U.S. and allied troops burn copies of the Koran. A U.S. soldier goes berserk and murders 16 innocent Afghans. U.S. troops pose for photographs holding severed hands and legs. U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, we learn, has been flying home every weekend, to visit his…
Pseudo-New Yorker
Legal humor here. “He’s pretty playful, so watch your ass.” “LOVIN’ the Mojitos, Jerry. I mean, these are bitchin’!” “He doesn’t look herbivorous.” “So this is why you insisted on building an outdoor pool in Loch Ness.” “Who did your caulking job, Jerry?” “Yeah, I thought having a pool would be heaven, but after six…