Obviously, I should keep better records. Yesterday, the New York Times ran an article by Alissa J. Rubin on Defense Secretary’s current trip to Afghanistan, commenting, among other things, on the difficulties the U.S. encounters in both that country and neighboring Pakistan, due in large part to our persistent habit of murdering large numbers of…
The Revolting Realists
Last week the New York Times ran an article with the headline “Some G.O.P. Foreign Policy Experts Are Tepid on Romney,” pointing out that aging stalwarts Henry Kissinger, Brent Scowcroft, and Colin Powell have not been falling all over themselves to endorse the Mitt-Man. And Kissinger himself, always the voice of calculation if not reason,…
What Would Romney Do?
Increasingly, it looks like we’re going to find out. Europe continues to kick the can down the road, and kick us along with it. As for the U.S., there seems to be zero enthusiasm for an aggressive policy to stimulate economic growth. Republicans want the economy to get worse, the President says that, when times…
Alan Vanneman, provocative and promising
Over at Slate, David Plotz announces that “America Needs More Scientists and Engineers” and says that he and Slate are encouraging Slate readers to submit ideas on how to accomplish that goal, promising to publish the “most provocative and promising” ideas submitted. Well, I don’t know about the provocative part, but here’s the most promising—in…
Berklee Wayne Shorter ensemble—“Brilliant Corners”
Tenor sax, Barclay Moffit; Trombone, Elad Cohen; Piano, Eitan Kenner, Guitar, Tommy Holladay; Bass, Jared Henderson; Drums, Dor Herskovits. Posted by dorshkovits
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. “This is a very Cro-Magnon ambience.” “No, I’m not hinting. But I guess I am suggesting.” “He says he loves Grey Goose, as long as it comes in a bottle.” “Polygamy, polyandry. Aren’t these just words?” “But whenever I need a mammoth killed, I’ll definitely be thinking of you.” “Apparently, there’s a…
Didn’t get into Harvard? Maybe you’re not dumb enough!
Seriously dude, that may have been the problem, at least judging from this entry in the New York Times’ recent “debate” on drug policy in Latin America by Viridiana Rios, doctoral fellow at the Harvard Kennedy school. The title says it all: “Drug Legalization Could Create More Crime.” Yes, it’s Viridiana’s “thesis” that “What the…
Cognitive disconnect: Who’s stupider, the Obama Administration or the New York Times?
The homepage of the May 31, 2012 New York Times is currently (12:06 PM EDT) running the following: Seeing gains, U.S. Widens Latin Drug WarAs Washington’s attention swings from Afghanistan and Iraq, the United States is expanding its antidrug efforts in places like Honduras, where the violence has skyrocketed. What’s the “good” news? The Times…
Mitt Romney, the Republican Obama?
Only Nixon could go to China. Only Reagan could end the Cold War. Only Clinton could tame discretionary spending and reform welfare. And only Obama could tame entitlements. Okay, that last one didn’t work out so well. Of course, 95 to 99% of the reason why is that the Republicans didn’t want it to happen….
Obama: Cynical enough to save us, or cynical enough to destroy us?
A century from now, historians may praise President Obama for coolly weaning the United States from the rampant interventionism of the Bush years, and leading the U.S. to take its place as a peaceful partner in a stable, orderly world. Or it may record his presidency as the time the United States slid into a…