I am flabbergasted—and, believe me, I do not flabbergast easily—by the lack of response among the chattering class about the fledermaus1 freaky emails exchanged by Virginia Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, and White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows over that horror of horrors, the Biden “coup”. Among other things, Thomas repeated…
Matteo Zaccherini Trio—“Bright Mississippi”
No video, but nice. Matteo Zaccherini, piano; Roberto Bartoli, bass; Lele Veronesi, drums. Posted by Matteo
War! What is it good for? Circulation!
Oh, yeah. There is nothing like a war—in particular, a good guys versus bad guys war—to pump up the circulation, to attract eyeballs—to cable talk shows, network news (OK, I haven’t actually seen one since, well, 2001, but I’m assured they still exist), websites, podcasts, videocasts, etc., etc. etc. I’m told they even have the…
I invented this! Or I predicted it! Or, well, you know.
Okay, I didn’t “predict” this, or anything else. Or invent it. However, a few months back, I wrote a piece, Ben Smith’s latest post for the New York Times is not a column about “misinformation”. It is a column OF “misinformation”, making fun of former NYT media obeserver Ben Smith’s post, Inside the ‘Misinformation’ Wars,…
Trio On Air—“Bright Mississippi”
Mattia Cigalini, sax; Marc Peillon, bass; Rodolfo Cervetto, drums; Alessandro Collina, piano. Posted by DrumsetMag DrumsetMag
Shorter Washington Post: We cans so be as stupid as the New York Times!
Hell yes they can! In fact, this recent editorial by the Post, Fairfax school board should appeal ruling on admissions at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, denouncing the pernicious notion that schools for high-performing students should actually be for, you know, high performing students, outwoked the Times famous/infamous “1619 Project”, for, while…
Literature R Us Special Conspiracy Edition: Mohammed Bin Salman, Graeme Wood, Jeffrey Goldberg, and Eugene Volokh! Oh, yeah, and Rothschild space lasers too!
Seriously, those Rothschild space lasers are a bitch! They zapped me a couple of years ago, and I’ve been incredibly stupid ever since. So here’s the deal. A couple of days ago, the Atlantic ran a long article by Graeme Wood on Saudi Kingfish Mohammed Bin Salman, Absolute Power, based, according to Wood, on three…
Rupert Gillett—“Bright Mississippi”
Talk about your one-man bands! Rupert on cello, bass, and drums. Of course, he also posted it too
Chick fight! Chick fight! Bill Barr does The Donald, and vice versa.
“I would imagine that if the book is anything like him, it will be long, slow, and very boring.” Okay, that is probably not Donald Trump’s description of former attorney general William Barr’s sexual technique, but, well, you never know. This lover’s spat was set off by Bill’s attempt to hype his new book, which…
Dan Drezner, last seen regressin’ to the mean like a motherf*cker
O rare Dan Drezner!1 Oy vey, Dan Drezner! Just last week I was falling all over myself with praise for Dan’s all too acute post The war in Ukraine is going badly for everyone, which Dan then followed up with another depressingly acute corker, What is the plan behind sanctioning Russia?, pointing out that the…