Legal humor here. “Jennifer, I thought you were the one who wanted to give up hydro-carbons.” “Well, if you don’t, you’re going to hurt their feelings.” “The Romans were not just a bunch of money-grubbing imperialists. Anyway, the Pines will give us a 30% discount if we show up in this thing.” “You can fertilize…
Quote of the Day? Walkback of the Week!
Via Brad Delong, Daniel Kuhn, at his site Facts and Other Stubborn Things, brings us the “quote of the day” from libertarian economist Mario Rizzo, after learning that his signing of a document headed “Economists for Romney” proved to be a source of amusement in some quarters: I interpreted signing as restricted to economic policy…
President Obama, learning you can’t please all the psychos all the time
God knows he’s tried. President Obama has ordered more hits than Al Capone. The problem is, he wants to take credit for them! And that’s pissed off a gang of ex-spooks and SEALS and other wet work types, who have formed a little gang that calls itself the Special Operations Opsec Education Fund, set up…
Biden’ his time
Hey, it’s an election year, maybe Joe’s last. Big Joe is going to be talking a lot. And if his latest “gaffe”— “Romney wants to let the — he said in the first hundred days, he’s going to let the big banks once again write their own rules, unchain Wall Street. They’re going to put…
Nuns die, Rod laughs
What’s funnier than a truckload of dead nuns? Absolutely nothing, according to Rod Dreher, in a recent posting headlined “Why Liberal Nuns Are Dying Off,” busting a gut if not peeing in his pants over a recent confab of nuns, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, who, if you haven’t been keeping up, have been…
Oh, those arrogant Chinese!
Over at the Dish, Andy free during August, Gwynn Guilford posts a rap bemoaning China’s “insularity and paranoia,” giving as an example the reasonably believable “fact” that everyone in China believes that 1999 bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade by U.S. forces was deliberate. Well, that does sound a little insular and paranoid, but,…
Charlie in Full, Pretty Much
The second part of my two-part review of Flicker Alley’s monumental release of all of Charlie Chaplin’s extant films for Keystone is now up on the still not safe for work Bright Light Film Journal. I’ve now reviewed all of Chaplin’s films except the two weakest, Limelight and A King in New York. The link…
It profits me not
I’ve just noticed that certain words in my blog are highlighted that I didn’t highlight. If you run your cursor over them, an ad pops up. Well, in case you’re wondering, Literature R Us doesn’t get a dime from them. I’ve just noticed them at New York magazine as well. Maybe it’s a function of…
Do I look like I need to be protected, girlfriend?
The Times has a nice story by Mark McDonald arguing the ins and outs of protecting great white sharks. A good case can be made for either, depending on where you stop reading the article. Alexia Wellbelove, senior program manager with Humane Society International, sounds like a bit of a jerk when he says “Australia…
Pseudo-New Yorker. Pigs can talk! And humans too!
Well, they can. But mostly pigs. Because I guess it’s funnier. Legal humor here. “I’ll cover my genitals when you cover your mouth, honey. Your tonsils are uglier than my balls.” “Lady, you stop busting my chops. Your sign don’t say ‘Human Complaints.’ It says ‘Complaints.’” “Yeah, well it may be fine with Farmer Brown,…