How long has it been since I’ve made fun of Felix Salmon? It’s definitely been awhile. We’ve both been on vacation, but now we’re both back, so let’s have at it. Yesterday, Felix was all over a “big story” by Dan Levy, delivering the pretty much astounding news that last year U.S. consumers spent a…
Cowardice follows murder as Wednesday follows Tuesday
Every Tuesday, President Obama and the boys get together to decide whom they’re going to murder next, via the magic of America’s infamous killer drones. Yesterday, Murder Tuesday was followed by Cowardice Wednesday, as the President ordered the Democratic Convention to surrender to the imperious whines of AIPAC Nation and restore to the Democratic Platform…
He never heard of a shabbat goy?
A few days ago I seconded the pummeling administered by Richard Posner to Robert and Edward Skidelsky for their book How Much Is Enough?, which suggested that instead of playing the status game we all kick back, work fifteen hours a week, and spend a lot of quality time strumming the guitar. That was, well,…
Just in case you were thinking of voting for Barack Obama this Fall
Read Glenn Greenwald, Adam Serwer, and Andrew Sullivan on the Obama Administration’s disgusting, yet predictable decision not to prosecute anyone responsible for the various war crimes committed during the Bush Administration—crimes committed in the name of making us “free.” Of course, as Serwer notes, not everyone got away: John Kiriakou, the former CIA official who…
David Koch, speaking freely for two whole minutes
David Koch, libertarian billionaire and all-around man about town, talked the talk in an interview with Politico’s Kenneth P. Vogel. According to Ken, it went like this: Koch told POLITICO “I believe in gay marriage” when asked about the GOP’s stance on gay rights. Romney opposes gay marriage, as do most Republicans, and when that…
Brad Dutz, Chris Wabich—“Bye-Ya”
Daniel Larison, still bepuzzled
I enjoy reading the columns of Daniel Larison, featured at the American Conservative, though, to my mind, he does go off the rails from time to time on theological matters. Like few of us, Mr. Larison is a Russian Orthodox, and he regards the theology of the Greek Fathers as his particular bailiwick, complaining bitterly…
If I told you, I’d have to cancel your subscription
Nothing to see here, folks. Nothing to see. No, nothing at all. Let me see if I’ve got all my links straight here. Judicial Watch submitted a FOIA request to the CIA, and the results of that request are available here. Over at Politico, Dylan Byers digests the results here, learning that that New York…
Chris Christie’s theory of broads
Well, that was unfair, wasn’t it? As I’ve said before, this is the blogosphere, where unfairness is a way of life. My headline should be “Chris Christie’s mother’s theory of broads,” which doesn’t quite have the same ring. But, anyway, here is Chris Christie’s mother’s theory of broads, as Chris explained it for the Republican…
When it comes to health care, markets do work! They work to make insurers rich!
Peter Orszag is totally not my favorite Democrat. After serving a couple years whispering “Don’t spend! Cut!” in President Obama’s ears, he decamped to Citigroup, or Citigang, or whatever they call themselves these days, presumably to serve as Citi’s DC liaison the next time Sandy Weil’s monument to entrepreneurial incompetence needs a multi-billion dollar government…