Arts and Letters Daily points us to a lengthy and satisfying review of Donald Weinstein’s Savonarola: The Rise and Fall of a Renaissance Prophet at the Lapham Quarterly. The review is unsigned, which apparently is how they do things there. Like not a few religious reformers, Savonarola worked the citizens of a city (in his…
Whither Republicans?
Is it too soon to wonder about what’s going to happen to the Republican Party after the defeat of Mitt Romney? Well, yes, it is, but what the fuck, it’s fun, so let’s do it. Mitt really put his foot in it, or on it, with his now famous though beginning to recede a bit…
As far as the NYPD is concerned, you’re in a New York State of Mind
The New York Police Department girdles the globe, Daniel Larison Philip Giraldi reports in the American Conservative, with agents of its “International Liaison Department (ILP)” in 11 countries, most notably Israel. These self-appointed experts are apparently not much appreciated by the U.S. State Department, but, you know, fahgeddaboutit, this is Noo Yawk, even when it…
Dirk Raulf—“Hackensack” plus “Well, You Needn’t”
Dirk Raulf, saxophonist and composer from Cologne/Germany and founder of bass sax quartet DEEP SCHROTT, with an excerpt of a solo concert at Martin Luther Church, Cologne. Dirk usually plays bass sax, so he really had to tighten up for this one. Recorded live feb. 24th, 2010, by Christian Ebert. Uploaded by Kanal Von Dikajora.
Terrorism never prosper, what’s the reason? If it pass out enough money to the right people, and help murder the “wrong” people, none dare call it terrorism.
Daniel Larison and Glenn Greenwald have long been on the trail of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (“Warriors of God”), or MEK, a terrorist group that now is no longer a terrorist group, thanks to a little magic wand waving by Hillary Clinton’s State Department. MEK has long been supported by “pay me enough money and I’ll…
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. “We understand that you’re a man of mystery. We’d just prefer that you not be one in our bed.” “Well, Bill, I’d take one in the gut for you too. You know that.” “Neither of us has any idea concerning what happened to Doc Knows in the Fifth at Santa Anita. Now,…
Tim Pawlenty, laboring under the misapprehension that the average home in the Washington, DC area costs $10 million
Former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty is leaving his job as co-chair of Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign to take a new one, CEO of the Financial Services Roundtable, which is, guess what, a major lobbying outfit in DC. Salary for the new gig is going to be around $1.8 million. In an article in “THE HILL,”…
Barack Obama, luckie duckie
Imagine if Muslim demonstrators in Egypt hadn’t gathered outside the U.S. embassy in Cairo on September 11 to denounce a bizarre and obscure video speaking ill of Mohammed. Then the murderous attack on the American consulate in Benghazi would have been seen as a pre-meditated terrorist attack from the beginning, and the entire focus of…
Obama’s invasion of Poland explained
“Reading about Obama’s race fixation in the middle of suburban banality is akin to reading Hitler’s obsessive musing on his Germanic identity.”—from Ann Coulter’s new book, Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama
Michael Lewis, not really one of America’s finest journalists, takes presidential porn to a new level
If you’re an important blogger on the web, a Felix Salmon, say, or a Conor Friedersdorf, it’s considered good form to compliment Michael Lewis before pointing out obliquely that he’s full of shit. Conor does so in this excellent takedown, more of Obama himself than Mike, “How Obama Ignored Congress, and Misled America, on War…