Okay, that was Richard Nixon’s line, but if the modern-day right isn’t there yet, they’re on the way. How lucky can Obama get? His C-, do I really have to be here performance at the debate looked lame enough in comparison to Romney’s scintillating A, but in the week-long rehash, stand-ups and cable news hacks…
An Embarrassment of Democrats
Up until Wednesday night, just about everything went right for President Obama’s re-election campaign. Yet in just one night, the President managed to push the reset button, and he did it all on his own. The President must have believed that all he had to do was show up for the debate and it would…
President Obama: Bumbling murderer
You’d think that a man who spends each Tuesday wondering who he’s going to kill next wouldn’t have much patience with the man who wants to take his job. But President Obama apparently had too much on his plate to bother showing up for the debate last night. Or maybe he had so much fun…
Let me tell you about the very rich. They are very different from you and me. They’re totally obnoxious
Chrystia Freeland has scored big time with her portrait of complaining plutocrats in this week’s New Yorker, focusing on Leon Cooperman, an amiable, sort of, billionaire who compulsively refers to President Obama as “a man who never worked a day in his life”—because, according to Cooperman, if you’ve never run your own business, you’ve never…
Jeffrey to Bibi: Nice Jeffrey, Bibi!
On Sunday, Jeffrey Goldberg took Israeli Prime Minister Bib Netanyahu to task for “three mistakes and one achievement”: In re: Prime Minister Netanyahu’s handling of the Iran crisis: 1) Netanyahu shouldn’t have waved around that cartoonish drawing on the podium of the United Nations. It made him look unserious, and a man in his position…
Sachal Vasandani—vocal on “Monk’s Dream”
Sinatra meets Monk? Well, why not? I seldom resist a Monk vocal. Jeb Patton, piano; David Wong, bass; Kendrick Scott, drums. Pittsburgh, April 2011. Posted by Sachal Vasandani
Pseudo-New Yorker
Legal humor here. “Trust me, dude. You do not want to elect this guy President.” “Let’s just say that ‘Lost’ was not entirely fiction.” “We’re either going to be very, very rich or else we’ll end up as the set for one dynamite episode of ‘The Twilight Zone’.” “Those Cayman accounts are just pocket…
Best ever?
Slate magazine publishes what Sherlock Holmes used to call an agony column, “Dear Prudence”.* I don’t know if today’s entry is the best ever, but it’s awfully good: “Help! My husband’s mistress hit me in the face with a rock!” I was in a bar once, and a guy at the bar who was chugging…
More from Politico
Mike Allen, Jonathan Martin, and Jim Vandehei explain why Mitt is such a fuck-up. The piece is an extended sop to Republicans, quoting a near-endless series of Romney pals, advisors, and staffers on how Mitt is this fantastic, fantastic guy who would make a fantastic, fantastic president, if only he would stop stepping on his…
James Asher, not knowing nuance though it gnaw him on the ass
“jimomensko.com” points us to a memo issued by James Asher, Washington bureau chief for McClatchy Newspapers, which included the following warning his staff: Part of our job is to capture what people really mean, not catch them in a gotcha misstatement or an inelegant remark. Nuance matters. To ensure that we don’t leave truth on…