Former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty is leaving his job as co-chair of Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign to take a new one, CEO of the Financial Services Roundtable, which is, guess what, a major lobbying outfit in DC. Salary for the new gig is going to be around $1.8 million. In an article in “THE HILL,”…
Barack Obama, luckie duckie
Imagine if Muslim demonstrators in Egypt hadn’t gathered outside the U.S. embassy in Cairo on September 11 to denounce a bizarre and obscure video speaking ill of Mohammed. Then the murderous attack on the American consulate in Benghazi would have been seen as a pre-meditated terrorist attack from the beginning, and the entire focus of…
Obama’s invasion of Poland explained
“Reading about Obama’s race fixation in the middle of suburban banality is akin to reading Hitler’s obsessive musing on his Germanic identity.”—from Ann Coulter’s new book, Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama
Michael Lewis, not really one of America’s finest journalists, takes presidential porn to a new level
If you’re an important blogger on the web, a Felix Salmon, say, or a Conor Friedersdorf, it’s considered good form to compliment Michael Lewis before pointing out obliquely that he’s full of shit. Conor does so in this excellent takedown, more of Obama himself than Mike, “How Obama Ignored Congress, and Misled America, on War…
Romney turns the base up to eleven
When it rains it pours, eh? Yesterday I said the all-Republican pissing contest reported on Sunday in Politico was a momentary pleasure, but Romney’s new “Midnight in Boca” tape has turned pints into gallons. Romney’s pretending that he’s standing by his remarks, despite their lack of elegance, though of course he’s pretending that he didn’t…
Republicans piss on Republicans, make an old man smile (briefly)
Hysterical Muslim protests of a stupid video threaten to girdle the globe, while the Obama Administration repeats how much it hates, hates, hates people who say mean things about Mohammed, while never mentioning that 1) it is not illegal, or even necessarily wrong, or even inaccurate, to say things about Mohammed that some people might…
David Frum, Master of the Muslim Mind
David Frum has surely not said the stupidest thing about the current crisis in the Middle East, and Egypt in particular. Still. The Obama administration has staked its foreign policy on the assumption that the best way to deal with radical Islam is by engaging with radical Islam, thus splitting the men of violence from…
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. “Wait’ll he hears my rebuttal. Then he’ll know he’s in Hell.” “He’s good, but he’s no John Scotus Erigina.” “Well, this really isn’t Heaven, per se. It’s his Heaven. We’re just living in it.” “I think they could at least give us chips.” “Life really isn’t eternal up here, but it sure…
Memo to Joe: They don’t “love” us
Time magazine’s Joe Klein appeared on NBC’s “Morning Joe” yesterday and lowered the boom on Bibi Netanyahu (video here, courtesy of Bob Wright at the Atlantic): I don’t think I’ve ever, in the 40 years I’ve been doing this, have heard of another of an American ally trying to push us into war as blatantly…
Teacher, teacher! Listen, I ask the questions, I don’t answer them!
One would want to have sympathy for Adrienne Pine, anthropology professor at American University in Washington, DC, who apparently offended someone by breastfeeding her daughter in her class. One would feel sympathy from just about anyone who received an email from a student reporter like the following (taken from the professor’s lengthy online account): Hello…