Legal humor here. “Sorry, dude, there’s only room for one wise man on this ledge, and you’re looking at him.” “I believe the expression is ‘Forget about it.’” “Listen, buddy, I ain’t the Sphinx and you ain’t Oedipus. You came up the wrong building.” “Unless you’re here to wash the windows, I’m not budging.” “You…
Annals of Republican Hypocrisy No. 47, 314: Vote for Us, or We’ll Fucking Kill You!
William Saletan rounds up the usual suspects, and they’re fucking ugly: Says rational Ramesh Ponnuru, “If Obama wins re-election, the Republican Party will react by moving right, not left. It will become less likely to compromise with Obama … Republicans, especially at the grassroots level, would react to Obama’s re-election by assuming that Romney failed…
Annals of Republican Hypocrisy No. 47,313: Hands across the aisle
Here is Peggy Noonan: “He [Obama] misread his Republican opponents from day one. If he had been large-spirited and conciliatory he would have effectively undercut them, and kept them from uniting. (If he’d been large-spirited with Mr. Romney, he would have undercut him, too.) Instead he was toughly partisan, he shut them out, and positions…
You don’t get to call yourself Tom Friedman unless you are Tom Friedman
NYT columnist Thomas L. Friedman is one of the most parodied men in the world, but last Sunday he proved, once again, that no one does Tom Friedman like Tom Friedman does Tom Friedman. In a column labeled “Why I Am Pro-Life,” Manhattan Tom pours most laborious contempt all over fly-over fuck-ups like Richard Mourdock…
Vote for the Murderer, not the Would-Be Murderer
That’s my advice if you live in a swing state. Living in DC, with Libertarian Gary Johnson on the ballot, I have the luxury of making a protest vote. I’m not into libertarian economics, but Johnson’s foreign policy views are more than a breath of fresh air. DC will go so heavily for Obama that…
Felix Salmon hits it out of the park
I know it seems like I only write about Felix Salmon when 1) I’m desperate for a post and 2) I need someone to make fun of, but that’s not entirely true. At least, it’s not true today, which confirms my thesis, because today I’m all raves over Felix’s fabulous piece kicking the shit out…
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. “Stop whining! Get it right and we’ll make them forget all about Snooki!” “This is going to be huge. I can feel it.” “Yeah, I was thinking ‘Gangnam Style’ too, but, you know, more intense. Can we hire that guy?” “OK, I know this a lot to take in all at once….
Ross Douthat’s Aura of Deceit
Ross Douthat has a posting, here, titled Obama’s Aura of Defeat. According to Ross, Obama’s campaign is sucking wind: Losing campaigns have a certain feel to them: They go negative hard, try out new messaging very late in the game, hype issues that only their core supporters are focused on, and try to turn non-gaffes…
William Rehnquist, still elusive
Neither John Jenkins nor his new book, The Partisan: The Life of William Rehnquist, have gotten much respect on the web. Both University of Chicago Law Professor Eric A. Posner at the sometimes liberal New Republic and Kevin R.C. Gutzman, professor of history at Western Connecticut State University, writing for the unconventionally conservative American Conservative,…