Legal humor here. “Yes, he is a by the numbers guy. And, for your information, by the numbers happens to be fabulous.” “You define ‘prosaic,’ Jerry. You define it. And for that very reason, you cannot understand the allure of mystery.” “By completing him, I complete myself. “ “Le cœur a ses raisons que la…
Charles Murray to Asians: You’re so stupid!
Why aren’t Asians Republicans? demands Charles “Cap’n Bell Curve” Murray, in the latest “can’t find my ass with both hands” posting by a prominent Republican. According to Murray, “It’s not just that the income, occupations, and marital status of Asians should push them toward the right. Everyday observation of Asians around the world reveal them…
Megan McArdle, so not one for bending over
In a recent post, Megan McArdle, rapping, not too sympathetically, on the recent attempt to organize Wal-Mart, which, I suspect, will not amount to much, offers the following remark: Recessions are also a time when employers don’t necessarily have a lot of profits to give up. Walmart’s $446 billion of revenue last year was eye-popping,…
Paul Krugman, Meditating Meta Modelly, Misses the Point Tangentally
A few days back, Nobel Paul Krugman, rapping on the modalities of modeling, took a side slap at conservative economists who argue that “America could only give workers decent living standards when it didn’t face competition.” If you follow the links, and take Paul literally—not always a wise thing to do—you’ll find that he’s saying…
Monk’s Casino—A Chunk o’ Monk
Monk’s Casino, a group featuring Alexander Von Schlippenbach on piano, Rudi Mahall on bass clarinet, Axel Doerner on trumpet, Jan Roder on bass, and Uli Jennessen on drums, has recorded the complete works of Thelonious Monk, available on a 3-CD set. Their work can be a bit squeaky at times, for my taste, at least,…
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. “Let’s just say that I’m not going to be played the way Irene Dunne played Cary Grant. Mr. Smith will be making up his own mind this time around.” “They’re an amiable breed. I don’t think he’ll have any problem serving two masters.” “I’m sorry if I seem possessive, but this is…
Day after Thanksgiving Day reading—Paula Broadwell’s All In—the Critics Rave!
An invaluable link from Justin Logan at the American Conservative brings the blurbs for Paula “Keep your hands off my man” Broadwell’s tome on the glories of General Petraeus, whose genius brought us our glorious victories in Iraq and Afghanistan. Not! “A valuable perspective on how Gen. Petraeus—the most successful U.S. general of his generation—approached…
Susan Rice Non-Scandal Resolved; Non-Susan Rice Scandal Not Resolved
Via Andrew Sullivan, Fightin’ John McCain (Fightin’, but not Thinkin’) admits that Susan Rice did nothing more than repeat talking points on the Bengazhi murders. In a statement issued Nov. 20, McCain acknowledged “that the Office of the Director of National Intelligence was responsible for removing references to Al-Qaeda from the unclassified talking points about…
The Israeli assault on Gaza: A cry for help?
There were a lot of unhappy people around the globe on Wednesday, Nov. 7, but Benjamin Netanyahu must have been one of the unhappiest. In the three presidential debates, his man Mitt proved to be no George Bush, and then in the election itself he was totally whipped. Not only that, the Democrats picked up…
David Sanchez—“Four in One”
David Sanchez – Tenor Sax, Bruce Barth, Piano, John Benitez, Bass, Adam Cruz, Drums, Richie Flores, Percussions. Posted by sigmundgroid2