Saxophonist and composer Ted Nash, working, I guess, with the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra, of which he is a member, comes up with Music to Watch Matisse By. If you’ve got a good monitor, you can look at this on full screen at YouTube and the Matisses look pretty good. Posted by David Clarke
Death and Sex
Back in the day, when porno was illegal, clever liberals used to wonder why it was OK to make films of people being tortured and murdered, but not to make films of people making love. Well, when it comes to being the director of the CIA, we’re still back in the Fifties: torture and murder…
Pseudo-New Yorker
Legal humor here.“I’m guessing, you folks wanted a hatchback with deluxe wheel covers! Congratulations!” “Just keep this little girl under sixty for the first five hundred miles. After that, the sky’s the limit!” “Damn straight this baby’s got Blaupunkt! If you’ve got the tunes, it’s got the power!” “Whoa, leather seating areas and deluxe body…
Rendering unto Caesar
Reason’s Matt Welch points me to three particularly pertinent paragraphs in a recent Washington Post story by Craig Whitlock bearing the head “Renditions continue under Obama, despite due-process concerns,” which perhaps should be headed “Renditions continue under Obama, because due process is not a concern.” The story is largely devoted to the continuing practice of…
Peter King, Wonderly Wroth
Well, the New Year is starting off right for me, providing the wonderful spectacle of portly Peter King, the IRA-lovin’ Republican from Noo Yawk, unloading on his fellow Republicans, House Speaker John Boehner in particular, for dissin’ the Northeast and not bothering to provide the promised $60 billion in Sandy relief cash. One could actually…
The plaint of Chait
Over at New York magazine, plaintive Jonathan Chait raises once more his plaintive plaint: “Why is Obama caving on taxes?” Yes, why, oh, why, after campaigning pretty much forever on his determination to raise taxes on those earning $250,000 a year and up, has Obama caved, for the umpteenth time in his negotiations with the…
Pseudo-New Yorker
Legal humor here. “Stop your bitchin’, girlfriend. Pedestrian medicine is here to stay, thanks to you know who. I’ve got a discount on heart murmurs that can save you real money.” “We like to keep an eye on these babies until we get them broken in. Once you get past 54th St. you’re on your…
Republicans at sea
Joe Hagan has a very funny, affectionate piece in New York Magazine on a post-election National Review cruise in the Caribbean. In lesser hands, this would be no more than shooting fish in a barrel, but with Joe it’s more an exercise in petting them. The self-selection factors operating on this crowd are, of course,…
Worst Bond Ever!
Since I refuse to write about “the Cliff,” other than by expressing the wish that the Republicans break their necks, I will write about something else, namely “Skyfall,” a James Bond movie so bad it’s worse than the Pierce Brosnan disasters of yore. I saw the very first James Bond, “Dr. No,” when it first…
The Coming Year
OK, it is a little early for New Year predictions, but nothing soothes an eggnog hangover like a little uninformed prognostication, so here goes: President Obama’s unexpectedly big win over hapless Mitt Romney continues to be a win/win/win/win. I have no idea of what’s going to happen regarding the “fiscal cliff,” and I really don’t…