Legal humor here. “You never change, Charlie. And thank God for that!” “The idea is, the things we take to be real are only shadows, shadows cast by a flame in Plato’s cave. Makes you think, doesn’t it?” “OK, Charlie, you are one tough nut. But this one will make you laugh.” “So he says,…
Krauthammer doubles to right
As the few who read this blog know, there are few people I dislike more than arch neo-con Charles Krauthammer. But, as a stopped clock is right twice a day, so Krauthammer is right twice a decade. In a recent column, he whales away mightily at President Obama’s Second Inaugural, accusing the President of “clinging…
Paul Ryan: Pretty but Dumb
Republican pretty boy Paul Ryan gets thoroughly hoisted, if not on his own petard then Ezra Klein’s, who ably dissects Paulie Boy’s duck and weave, bob and bounce, shuck and jive performance before a gaggle of reporters at a recent shindig organized by the Wall Street Journal, whose editors probably wish they hadn’t let Ezra…
Republicans Yell at Hillary Clinton a Lot
A Republican fantasy came true on Wednesday—they got to tell Hillary Clinton to her face that she’s a jerk. That’s the sum and substance of the long-sought Senate hearing into the murders of four Americans in Benghazi Libya, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens. Republicans might have asked her if the murders had made her rethink…
Republicans whine, Vanneman laughs
It’s true: politics is a spectator sport, but a spectator sport with a difference. Even when the home team is screwing up, you can still laugh at the opposition. Never was that old adage, which I just made up, more true than today. I am emphatically not a fan of President Obama, and his second…
Obama, Murderer Of Children, Now Seeks To Be Their Savior
I don’t particularly fault President Obama’s response to the terrible murders at Newtown. I’m sure he felt that the country demanded that he “do something,” and certainly his party did. And I guess I don’t find it too unforgivable that he had children present at the press conference introducing his package of reforms, none of…
NYT finds new supply of terrorists in North Africa, thank God
Were you as worried as I was that the U.S. would run out of terrorists to kill? If so, Michael R. Gordon and the New York Times have some good news for you: The bloody resolution of the hostage crisis in Algeria has brought into focus the broader challenges the United States and its allies…
“Functional,” Hommage à Thelonious Monk par Sébastien Troendlé
“Functional,” Hommage à Thelonious Monk. Extrait solo du concert avec La Petite Boîte, dans le cadre du Festival de Sables d’Or les Pins le 8 août 2010 organisé par l’association À l’Est des Dunes. Supposedly, Monk said “I sound like James P. Johnson,” after recording a solo version of this tune. Sébastien shows he can…
Pseudo-New Yorker
Legal humor here. “Why the page boy and glasses? Because they kill, little man.” “Without you I’m nothing? The way I see it, you’re the problem and I’m the solution.” “What part of ‘Stop staring at my ass’ don’t you understand?” “Yeah? Well, I can out stand you, and out stare you too.” “I’m taking…
Who’s worse, Leon Panetta or the New York Times?
Okay, not the whole New York Times. I mean, their food criticism is pretty bitchin’, and their coverage of the fashion scene is consistently awesome, but when it comes to world events, they’re not so hot. A case in point is a recent “article” attributed to Thom Shanker and David E. Sanger bearing the head…