The guy who gets it right: Ron Paul, denouncing Republicans for denouncing Obama for the wrong reasons. Republicans denounce Obama for not being aggressive enough, when, as Paul points out, our problems arise from the fact that Obama was too aggressive, waging an unnecessary, unconstitutional war in Libya, a war in which the Republican Party entirely acquiesced….
Hatin’ on Keynes, Part II: Adam Smith, total homo
To return to the topic of whether Keynesian economics should be avoided because Keynes liked boys and ballet better than girls and football, let me point out that Adam Smith, the King of Laissez Faire,* never married, and was suspiciously fond of his mother, kind of like Liberace, without all the furs. As Jeet Heer points out in…
Douthat’s (and Goldberg’s) Dilemma Resolved
Ross Douthat takes a very sour tone with regard to Mark Sanford’s election as a congressman from South Carolina after, among other things, taking French, so to speak. leave from SC to visit his South American sweetie, at public expense. Ross quotes Jonah Goldberg as saying, yes, it’s terrible when politicians do these things, naming, of course,…
Pseudo-New Yorker
Legal humor here. “He says that five pounds of a decent Roquefort will make him go away.” “I can’t find a cab that will go to Rat Town at this time of night.” “You’d better make him a hot toddy while I talk to Helen. This is going to take a while.” “I’m getting nowhere with…
Hatin’ on Keynes
Niall Ferguson’s “Johnnie was a homo” assault on the economics of John Maynard Keynes, which, as Jonah Goldberg helpfully points out, has been made many times before (so there’s nothing wrong with it, I guess), suggests just how much the neo-con right hates Keynes, hates him for being right. Keynes’ monumental crime was not buggery…
Karl Marx: Yes, I am a Nazi. Why do you ask?
Karl Marx on Ferdinand Lassalle, a German revolutionary who, like Marx himself, was a spiritual child of the failed Revolution of 1848: It is now completely clear to me, that, as proven by the shape of his head and the growth of his hair, he [Lassalle] stems from the Negroes who joined the march of…
Mea Culpa, I guess
In the past I’ve cast a semi-skeptical eye on Republican howls re Benghazi. I’ve never felt the Obama Administration has come clean on the matter, but I’ve also thought that the Republicans’ particular obsession, most notably Susan Rice’s talk show testimony on the matter, was thoroughly partisan and devoid of substance. Well, thanks to some…
Joe Lovano— “Ask Me Now and “Think of One”
Joe Lovano, sax, Danilo Pérez, piano, Richard Bona, bass, and Jack DeJohnette, drums. Posted by a7dana7
Three Bullets
Another post pushing Three Bullets, three FREE Nero Wolfe novellas, written by myself and whipped into shape by the remarkable labors of Alex Avenarius, who not only edited Three Bullets, but put them in coherent electronic form for the web, for downloading for Kindle, and for iPad/iPhone/Android. In addition, another individual, “rogue ronin,” contributed the…
Pseudo-New Yorker
Legal humor here. “This is not being discreet, big boy. This is being on a budget, and I am resenting the hell out of it.” “Yes, the voice of the Delaware River Estuary and Environs Environmental Awareness Council is small, but we do intend to be heard, at whatever cost.” “Well, if we’re not allowed…