Back in the day, Jack Germond “explained” his presence on TV thusly: sure, his heart was in print, but he needed the money to put his daughters through college. A guy’s supposed to help his daughters, isn’t he? Well, sure. But as Jack later “explained” in his autobiography, Fat Man in a Middle Seat, he…
Mickey Kaus, still alive
Still alive, and still paranoid! Yes, the Mickster, whom I’d just about forgotten about, is pushing his unique brand of jive at, where else, the Daily Caller. Mick’s latest and greatest is to do something I would have thought impossible—attack Texas senator and right-wing attack dog Ted Cruz from the right! How did he do…
Benny Green: Monk’s Dream
“Unfortunate”? Well, if by “unfortunate” you mean “utterly preposterous, verging on conscious deceit,” yeah, I’d say “unfortunate”!
New York Times Public Editor Margaret Sullivan has been on vacation, but now’s she back, with plenty to say about this and that, including the recent NYT profile of Washington Post editor Katy Weymouth. Maggie quotes Times reader (and former Newsweek editor) Ed Kosner as wondering “how The Times managed to publish a bouquet to…
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. “What am I doing out here? Listen, Bob, don’t get all Henry David Thoreau on me, or I’ll get all Ralph Waldo Emerson on you.” “What am I doing out here? Making ten grand a pop, just for showing up, telling a few dumb jokes and roaring my ass off. Learn the…
The Grahams: Lest we forget
As the Graham family “stewardship” of the Washington Post fades into the sunset, it’s worth recalling a few things—more than a few, actually, before Jeff Bezos, aka the $25 billion man, takes over . The Post first made its modern reputation as an ass-kicking defender of the public’s right to know by publishing the “Pentagon…
The Post Re-Bezosed
Why did Jeff Bezos buy the Washington Post? Knows God, as the saying goes. As everyone knows, Bezos and Amazon have been totally about the process; the customers sort out the content for themselves. As Felix Salmon notes, Jeff has never had to deal with “talent,” which is what journalists like to think they are….
Peggy Noonan plants one in the center-field bleachers
I have made, if not a career, at least a habit, of subjecting Peggy Noonan to (hopefully) withering ridicule and scorn. Well, hold back the ridicule and send back the scorn, because Peggy has penned a stunner of a column belting Chris “I love widows and orphans and Rand Paul doesn’t” Christie all over creation….
Barack Obama, Wall Street’s Man In Washington
Michael Lewis has it long, and Felix Salmon has it short: the U.S. Department of Justice looks out, not for the people of the United States, but rather the people of Goldman Sachs. Lewis discusses in detail the case of Sergei Aleynikov, a one-time Goldman Sachs employee who now faces an eight-year prison sentence, on…
Katy to Jill: I don’t need no lousy, stinkin’ mouth to mouth!
No, she doesn’t, not when the Graham family is sitting on the $250 million Jeff Bezos has ponied up to buy the venerable Washington Post. How long Katy will remain as publisher of the Post is undetermined—my guess is, not very long. She got the job exclusively on family ties and her tenure has been…