What’s Obama’s problem? The Wash Post’s Dana Milbank “explains”: In one account of what even administration officials acknowledge is a debacle, the Wall Street Journal reported that Obama’s policy advisers were aware long ago that the president’s promise that “if you like your insurance plan, you will keep it” wouldn’t hold up. “White House policy…
“In a Crepuscule with Nellie”, played twice
Monk’s tune dedicated to his wife, played first by Jason Moran (piano), Tarus Mateen (bass), and Nasheef Waits (drums) and then by Mark Turner (sax), David Virelles (piano), Ben Street (bass), and Paul Motian (drums). Posted by netta07a
Eff-Dee Deification: A (continuing) Democratic Disease
The severe embarrassment on the “Left” by the Obama Administration’s disastrous rollout of the Affordable Care Act has taken a variety of forms, from the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” approach advocated by Joan Walsh at Salon, aka “The first rule about the Affordable Care Act is ‘Don’t talk about Affordable Care Act’; “The second rule…
Dave Weigel now officially Chris Christie’s bitch
Over at Slate, Dave Weigel devotes about ten column inches to letting Chris Christie tell us how much black folks love him, followed by about three column feet about how Big Chris is going to stomp, stomp, stomp his hapless Democratic opponent into the ground. Which is surely, surely, surely true. But then Dave ends…
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. “Presumably, it’s attached to something bigger than the house. Otherwise, it would make no sense. “I told you they were your kind of people.” “I don’t know why they don’t get rid of that. We haven’t had a theft since the Johnsons back in 2008.” “Too pre-war to live, I’d say.” “Well,…
Saudi Arabia and Israel: A marriage made in heaven?
When will the lion lie down with the lamb? Well, not any time soon. When will Israel lie down with Saudi Arabia? Well, right about now, judging from “warnings” emerging from neo-con windbags gods like Charles “Krautman” Krauthammer, who says that the failure of President Obama to intervene in Syria, plus his obvious desire to…
Paul Ryan’s total phonus-balonus budget (which doesn’t even exist!)
I should probably stop using so many parentheses and exclamation points in my heads, but when they fit they fit, you know what I mean? Actually, the fact that there isn’t going to be any grand budget deal growing out of the Tea Party’s “shut it down” fiasco is becoming so obvious that I scarcely…
Detroit Denial: A Democratic Disease (but not entirely!)
Remember when we were told that the average retired city worker in Detroit was receiving a pension of no more than $19,000 a year? Well, it turns out that was only sort of accurate. In fact, when there was extra money in the pension system, it was paid out in the form of “bonuses to…
Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra: “Let’s Call This”
Arturo O’Farrill and the Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra perform “Let’s Call This,” composed by Thelonious Monk, arranged by Jason Lindner, at Symphony Space at “Andy and Jerry’s: A Tribute to the Gonzalez Brothers” on October 15, 2011. Special guests: Andy & Jerry Gonzalez.
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. “Don’t sweat it. He has the shtick, but we have the stick.” “No, it’s Jerry Steinbrenner. A lot of people make that mistake.” “His fast ball isn’t much, but his knuckler is a bear.” “Make him cover first. He’s way slow off the rubber.” “The thing you have to know about this…