Over the past five years, President Obama has ended two wars and brokered a deal with the most intransigent of the many oil-rich Muslim nations who regard the U.S. as largely if not entirely a damn infidel pain in the ass. Of course, he’s killed a couple thousand innocent civilians and wasted several hundred billion…
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. “ “Yes, Frank, I did sell the damn building. Any more damn questions?” “I take it we’re unanimous on the whole Ex-Grav thing?” “They can levitate us, but they can’t scare us. Because they can only use their power for good. So, if you think about it, they’re really hoist on their…
Felix Salmon, smart on art, dumb on wine
Felix Salmon likes to write, at length, about the art market. Since I don’t have $50-$60 million to drop on a dead shark more than once in a decade, I usually skip his rants, but if you skip half-way down to this recent post on Chinese art, Felix says some things that aren’t exactly original…
Soviet Safeway? Sure! Surly Safeway? Never!
Pseudo-liberal Matt Yglesias, who seems to be taking up union-busting in his old age, has this to say about the long-overdue arrival of Walmart into Washington, DC. “The United Food and Commercial Workers are at the center of the labor alliance against Walmart, and it’s no coincidence. UFCW represents workers at the region’s Safeway and…
Joe Lovano & Us Five
Joe Lovano and Us Five, featuring James Weidman, piano, Esperanza Spalding, bass, and Otis Brown III and Francisco Mela, percussion. Posted by tygertrap
George Will, pissy, prissy, and probably prescient
George Will—or “George F. Will,” as they like to call him at the Gabbing Geezer—when he isn’t sniffing and harrumphing over the “unraveling” of the Obama administration, sometimes gets it right. A case in point is a recent column on the administration’s recent agreement with Iran regarding its nuclear program. After directing a variety of…
I’m Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!
Yeah, it took a while to get this thing looking like something, but thanks to Tomboy I’m presentable. Posts will start soon.
Every man his own film critic
And, yes, every woman too. Thanks to the Internet, we can all rap to our hearts’ delight on what’s cool. I do it at the Bright Lights Film Journal, most of the time, but why be ruled by an editor’s whims when you can just speak your mind whenever you please? The only trick is,…
OK, Dave Weigel not entirely Chris Christie’s bitch
I recently ridiculed Dave for writing a column that basically quoted Chris Christie at length about how much black people love him and how much he loves New Jersey, ending with Dave himself telling us how “grown men” teared up at the big guy’s rap. Well, today Dave redeems himself, pointing out how the lamestream…
No, Chris Christie will not solve the Republican Party’s problems
It’s amusing to see so many establishment conservatives, and establishment liberals, rushing to embrace Chris Christie for “showing Republicans how to win.” In a post written just before the election, Ramesh Ponnuru said that “Christie has also avoided taking unpopular socially conservative stands on issues that aren’t live debates, and taken the occasional opportunity to…