That’s seems to be the motto at the Gray Lady these days, judging from a recent column by Tufts Professor Daniel Drezner, The Evolution of Marco Rubio, dispassionately describing the transformation of a standard-issue Republican hawk, Florida Sen. Mario Rubio, now “tabbed” to be Trump’s secretary of state, into a standard-issue MAGA clone, with a…
Literature R Us is moving to Substack!
Yes, I have joined the crowd. All previous posts—all 3,000 of ’em—will remain here. Enjoy!
Joe Biden, a bitter old man booted from history, makes us all pay for his son’s sins
Thanks, Joe, for saving the worst for last. Uncle Joe’s utter failure to deal with his pathetic son’s abysmal self-promotion and exploitation of his family name was always “unattractive”, but this miserable pardon is infinitely worse, giving anti-anti-Trumpers and pro-Trumpers alike an infinite amount of wind both beneath their wings and in their mouths to…
Gaaaack!!!!! I can’t quit Amazon! We’re Partners!
It’s true! I can’t quit Trump boot/ass licker Jeff “Hey I’m only the second-richest man in the world” Bezos because I’m in business with him! Literally! A month or two I said I was splitzie with Jeff over his total trashing of what was left of always dubious journalistic integrity of the Bezos-owned Washington Post,…
Making a pact with the Devil has a downside, Republicans discover.
It’s “amusing”—I’m pretty sure that’s a smile (of sorts) on my face rather than a rictus of despair—watching Republican senators attempt to swallow their “pride” and pretend that Donald Trump’s choice for Attorney General, Miami Matt Gaetz, aka “the Viceman”, is “appropriate”. The same may be said for Robert F. “Vaccine Man” Kennedy, and, well,…
Daron Acemoğlu is an idiot!
Sure, schooling Nobel Prize-winning Ph.D.s from the London Schol of Economics on the folly/hypocrisy of cherry-picking is an ugly job, but someone’s got to do it! And who better, really, than someone with a BA in English from Oberlin College? Yeah, ole Daron put his foot in it, all right, and I’m just the guy…
Cry sorrow, sorrow, but let the truth prevail
On November 8, 2016, in the wake of Donald Trump’s first triumph, I wrote “It is, appropriately enough, gray and wet in Washington, DC this morning. Brilliant sunshine would be almost more irony than one could bear.” Today, we are not so lucky. What I had to say in my earlier post, which bore the…
Mind at the end of its tether, more or less.
If, in January 2015, someone had asked me if I could imagine that, in November 2024, the American people would be ready to re-elect as president a man who, on losing his first attempt at re-election in 2020 had summoned a mob on January 6, 2021 with the express purpose of pressuring the U.S. Congress…
Jeff Bezos thinks you’re stupid
Jeff Bezos, shown here with his lovely fiancé Lauren Sánchez, clearly has bigger things on his mind than the freedom of the press, and, really, who can blame him? Jeff, who, his intimates say, prefers to be addressed as “Hef”, also has to think about things like, well, his space program “Blue Origin”—which, unlike, say,…
A Trump victory in November will usher in a period of overt lawlessness at the national level without parallel in our history
As you may have heard, Amazon Chief and Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos has decided to pull an Elon Musk and grab ankles for the pleasure of his all-conquering Jefe, El Donaldo, even before Trump is in the White House. Because after Trump is in the White House, he’s going to remember, all too well,…