Legal humor here. “You won’t mind backing up Helen on this one, will you, honey?” “Hey, it’s Magicianalapallooza! Anything can happen! But, you know, probably not twice in a row.” “Remember Grace Kelly? That was her box.” “Hey, I’m loving the cheekbones and I’m loving the legs. So, you know, whichever suits you.” “Yep, small on the…
Sanctions? Fuck yeah, we got sanctions!
Just when you thought it was fitting and proper to actually feel, you know, sympathy with the Obama White House, which is actually trying to negotiate with the Iranians rather than, you know, crush the evil out of them, as both Republicans and Democrats demand, well, this comes along: The White House is cracking down,…
British military spending falls from $57.7 billion to $57.7 billion, warns Washington Post
Following up on the angst of Anne Applebaum, the Washington Post devotes ample front page ink to the devastating news that Great Britain’s defense budget has shrunk from $57.7 billion to $57.7 billion from 2004 to 3013, or from 2.4 to 2.3 percent of total gross national product. To the surprise of absolutely no one…
“AIPAC does so own our testicles!” Congressional Democrats proclaim.
Profiles in courage or pusillanimous pussies on parade? According to Burgess Everett at Politico, it’s totally the latter.
Of course the Logan Act shouldn’t be enforced against the Senate 47. Because the President has the discretion not to enforce “bad” laws.
There has been some discussion about whether the 47 Repubicans who sent a letter to the Iranian governnment with the barely concealed hope of overturning the current negotiations regarding Iran’s nuclear program should be prosecuted under the Logan Act. Well, of course they shouldn’t. Because the president has the power, and, really, the duty, not…
Anne Applebaum sez, “Great Britain ain’t so great!”
Remember when the right wing was constantly accusing the Obama Administration of “throwing our allies under the bus”? Well, now it seems our allies are doing that to us! Anne Applebaum is distressed to notice that the British aren’t all that interested in saving the world these days. Apparently, “The Iraq war turned many in…
Don’t blame me, I’m stupid
“It was kind of a very rapid process. Everybody was looking forward to getting out of town because of the snowstorm. I think we probably should have had more discussion about it, given the blowback that there is.”—John McCain, explaining why he and 46 other Republican senators only acted like idiots. I mean, it’s not…
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. “Damn! Who let the dogs out?” “Just remember, Smedley, if they don’t have a ceiling, we don’t have a floor.” “Wow! Who knew the San Andreas Fault could be the key to corporate advancement?” “I guess they think they’ve been oppressed too!” “Risk Management 101, Smedley. Never volunteer.” “Let this be our…
What critics don’t get about what Republicans don’t get about Iran
“Thanks, Tom Cotton. You Just Got Us a Hard-line Supreme Leader,” snipes the highly intelligent Mehdi Khalaji, writing in Politico Magazine. In their controversial letter to “the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton and 46 other Republican senators suggested that even if Washington comes to a nuclear deal with President…
OSKA T.roia Quartet—“Four in One”
“Oska T” is a Monk composition. I don’t really understand the full meaning of the name for the “OSKA T.roia Quartet,” but here they are playing Monk’s “Four in One.” Luca Ventimiglia, vibraphone, Ilfat Sadykov, sax, Mattia Vendredi, bass, and Andrea Bruzzone, drums. Posted by MattiaParis