Over at Politico, Scott Porch and Mariel A. Klein have a retrospective look at the book that “invented” modern political reporting, Theodore White’s The Making of the President 1960. It’s not bad, but it misses a few things. As Porch and Klein note, Teddy White got his start reporting on China during World War II…
Auf Wiedersehen, Günter Grass
I missed remarking on the death of Günter Grass last week, death and taxes being just a little too much for me. As long as the Soviet Union existed, Grass was a welcome and intelligent voice, definitely “left” but never in the least willing to go along with the “Old Left” notion that the U.S….
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here “Trust me, white boy. Your life just got a whole lot more interesting.” “Drop your socks and grab your cock, sonny boy. Because you’re going places.” “Let’s see how Old Man Flu stands up to six quarts of whup-ass!” “Side effects? Well, how about ‘eternal life’!” “You’re familiar with the expression ‘no…
From the politeness of experts, Lord, deliver us
Rosa Brooks is a senior fellow at New America and a law professor at Georgetown University. From 2009 to 2011, she served as a senior adviser to the undersecretary of defense for policy. She is also the author of a book review in the April 16 Washington Post of Jessica Stern and J. M. Berger’s…
The Sad Sam Blues Jam—“Blue Bolivar Blues”
Rand Paul, Gettin’ Rowdy
Ever since ISIS beheaded two Americans in Iraq, thereby convincing millions in the U.S. that they were sharpening their scimitars to do the same in Des Moines, Republican politicians who don’t insist that they’re fixin’ to kick some major though unspecified Middle Eastern ass in the near though not yet determined future have been hard…
Maybe we’re not so different after all!
The New York Times reports: Gao Yu, a 71-year-old Chinese journalist who has repeatedly challenged the Communist Party during a decades-long career, was sentenced to seven years in prison on Friday after a court in Beijing found her guilty of leaking state secrets abroad. Gao Yu is in fact a true hero of the freedom…
The fact that the “Cheryl Question” went viral shows not only that Americans are ignorant of mathematics, they don’t know how they are ignorant of mathematics
Here is the “Cheryl Question” from Singapore that, according to Terrance Ross of the Atlantic, provoked “hysteria” around the web: Albert and Bernard just became friends with Cheryl, and they want to know when her birthday is. Cheryl gives them a list of 10 possible dates. May 15 May 16 May 19 June 17 June…
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here “I was wrong, Sylvia. You do have a death wish.” “I was just telling Harry we needed a window. Thanks to you the job’s half done!” “Sylvia, am I to consider this an expression of dissatisfaction with your ranking on this week’s tennis ladder or simply a boiling over of general ill…
Miles Davis & John Coltrane, Stockholm, 1960
No video again, but nice sound, especially for a 1960 live concert. Oh, and great musicians, too. Numbers: 1. So What. 2. Fran Dance. 3. All Blues/The Theme. 4. On Green Dolphin Street. 5. Walkin’ / The Theme. With Paul Chambers, bass, Wynton Kelly, piano, and Jimmy Cobb, drums. Posted by Fan No Sekai