Dueling xylophones? Why not? Posted by Philippe Macé
The subtle hypocrisy of the New York Times
The Aug. 24 edition of the New York Times carries an article by David E. Sanger and Michael R. Gordon headlined “Future Risks of an Iran Nuclear Deal” whose third paragraph reads as follows: “Even some of the most enthusiastic backers of the agreement, reached by six world powers with Iran, say they fear Mr….
I predicted this!
Ah, the temptations, if the not the complacencies, of the peignoir pundit! About six weeks ago, I took a punch at Fareed Zakaria for waxing too credulous over the might and power of a disciplined China, something folks as varied as Thomas Friedman and Barack Obama are wont to do. I suggested to Mr. Zakaria…
Bill Gates is going to Hell! And so is Wikipedia!
Word cannot spell either “whited” or “sepulchre”, which occur in the phrase “whited sepulchre” (“white-washed tomb”), found in the King James translation of Mathew 23:27, used by Jesus in his denunciation of the Pharisees (which Word can spell). Wikipedia has no entry for the phrase.
Da Angst a’ da Elites
America’s elites are suffering. You hear it in the frenzied efforts of “responsible” conservatives like Charles “Donald Trump’s Fantasy of Mass Deportation Is Political Poison for the GOP” Krauthammer, Fred “Donald Trump’s Nativist Bandwagon” Hiatt, and George “Trump’s immigration plan could spell doom for the GOP” Will to convince their fellow conservatives to listen to…
It’s starting to look a lot like Rubio, Part II
A month or two ago I was about to write a post with the awkward title of “It’s starting to look a lot like Rubio—Not!” because my original post appeared to be overtaken by events, as we say in the biz. Sen. Rubio was struggling, while Jeb Bush was sitting on a mountain of cash….
Dana Milbank, kickin’ Ross Douthat’s ass!
Scrupulous readers of this blog, if such exist, may have come to the conclusion that I enjoy using Dana Milbank as a punching bag almost as much as I enjoy doing the same with Ross Douthat, but that isn’t true. Most of the time, Dana tells you what he thinks, which is, basically, “Washington vanilla,”…
How would you caption this picture?
This is a picture of Muhammad Mossadeq, the Iranian prime minister overthrown by British and American intelligence agencies in 1953 for the unspeakable crime of nationalizing the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (so named because the Iranians did all the work while the British took all the profits). How would you caption it? Well, if you worked…
Where were you in ’72? Bill ’n Hill, makin’ it real, back in the day
In the day we sweat it out on the streets of a runaway American dreamAt night we ride through the mansions of glory in suicide machinesSprung from cages out on highway 9,Chrome wheeled, fuel injected,and steppin’ out over the lineh-Oh, Baby this town rips the bones from your backIt’s a death trap, it’s a suicide…
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here “So, then, after you turned her into a pillar of salt, how did you feel?” “Well, I mean, if you say that the miscasting of Fifty Shades of Grey is a sign of the Apocalypse, then it is a sign of the Apocalypse. Isn’t that how it works?” “I’m sure that shutting…