I was in my early thirties when the original Star Wars was released. I thought it was a lot of fun, with a couple of major caveats. First, I thought R2D2 was waaay too derivative of Herbie the Love Bug. A garbage can that farts! Funny! And I thought I would have enjoyed the shoot…
Casual Christmas
I’ll be posting over the holidays, but not necessarily every day, unless I’m feeling exceptionally splenetic. To warm you, and myself, up, I’m posting “Hard Rock, Coco, and Joe,” a 1951 video that I watched as a kid. I’ve learned from the YouTube posting that this was developed by the “Garfield Goose” TV show in…
Jurassic Parks: Stevie and the Dinosaurs, Part 9
(NOTE: Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park series is one of the best franchises on film, particularly if you like dinosaurs. For the past several months I’ve been running a strikingly unbalanced review of the four films, because I’m a big fan of parts 1 & 3, while distinctly unenthusiastic over parts 2 & 4. Today’s chapter…
The “genius” of Paul Ryan: He gave Congress back its credit card!
Hey, that Paul Ryan is some operator, huh? The combined tax and spending package now careening through Congress–$1.1 trillion in spending and $600 billion in tax cuts, not a penny of them paid for–is passing with scarcely a whimper, much less a bang. Right-wingers who, a month or two before, were promising to fight to…
The foreign policy debate: Wouldn’t it be nice if we had one?
I realize that the recent terrorist attack in San Bernardino may forbid rational discussion of any topic for the next six months, or even longer. Still, wouldn’t be nice to have foreign policy discussion that consisted of more than a choice between Tweedle-Dick and Tweedle-Hillary? I mean, I’m not asking for six degrees of separation,…
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. “Two thumbs up? Sailor, in this man’s Navy brevity is still a virtue.” “Sailors don’t smile. They salute.” “Where’s his damn gob hat, sailor? If you are one.” “Old Iron Butt thinks you’re not giving it the right snap.” “Losing the wink was definitely a step in the right…
Soesja Citroen—“Monk’s Mood”
Scandinavian chanteuse Soesja Citroen, delivering a seriously moody “Monk’s Mood”, way back in 1983, with Cees Slinger & John Clayton. Posted by Soesja Citroen
Jurassic Parks: Stevie and the Dinosaurs, Part 8
(NOTE: Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park series is one of the best franchises on film, particularly if you like dinosaurs. For the past several months I’ve been running a strikingly unbalanced review of the four films, because I’m a big fan of parts 1 & 3, while distinctly unenthusiastic over parts 2 & 4. Today’s chapter…
Dean Tsur Quartet—“Four In One”
https://youtu.be/OwZvRnlkei4 Dean Tsur – Saxophone; Alon Tayar – Piano; Avri Borochov – Acoustic Bass; Noam Israeli – Drums. Posted by Dean Tsur
Damon Linker, on the verge of a nervous breakdown
Wow, those crazy Republicans, eh? And those crazy Democrats! As a nation, we’re on the verge of a nervous breakdown! Yes, there’s yet another outbreak of even-handedness fever, this time at The Week, where repentant theo-con Damon Linker casts a cold eye on the doings and sayings of the current crop of Republican presidential candidates:…