In two recent postings, here and here, Ross Douthat concludes that the Republican Party as we know it will soon no longer exist. “There is now no possibility that the Republican Party will survive its rendezvous with Donald Trump unbroken.” Which means that on Inauguration Day, January 20, 2017, there will be two Democratic presidents…
Why is Bernie Sanders popular with college students? Because Bernie Sanders is a college student!
Think about it: What does Bernie promise the kids? Vote for me, and you’ll be able to spend your life doing cool stuff—saving the planet!—and other people will pay for it! Just what you’re doing now! Or at least, were doing, until you graduated and had to, you know, work for a living! Sounds entrancing,…
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. “Yeah, I was once as you are. And as I am you will be. Makes you think, doesn’t it?” “You 3-D types are a joke! What’s the point in having volume when you lack breadth?” “Hey, don’t mind me! I’m invisible!” “Yeah, he who falls on this stone will…
Victor Davis Hanson is God!
Well, he thinks so, because he has just handed down “Ten Commandments for Our Next Commander-in-Chief” of which it can be said that they are not as tedious as they might be, if only because they do not begin with “Thou shalt not”. Otherwise, they simply amount to “Be a Churchill, not an Obama”, though,…
Emmanuel Manos Saridakis Trio—“Brilliant Corners”
Emmanuel on piano, Vasilis Podaras, drums, and Ntinos Manos, bass, with special guests Takis Paterelis, tenor and Manos Theodosakis, cornet. Posted by Emmanuel Manos Saridakis
John Podhoretz, half right on Trump—okay, make that a quarter
Over at Commentary, definitely not one of my fave rave’s, Editor John Podhoretz has “A New Theory of Trump”, taking another crack at explaining the Donald. Podhoretz’s argument is stated rather elliptically—or perhaps obliquely—but what he’s getting at, basically, is that George W. Bush got a lot of things wrong, but Republicans were so obsessed…
William F. Buckley, still racist after all those years
As is (fairly) well known, back in 1957, William F. Buckley wrote the following: “The central question that emerges…is whether the White community in the South is entitled to take such measures as are necessary to prevail, politically and culturally, in areas where it does not predominate numerically? The sobering answer is Yes—the White community…
Just when you were thinking that Ted Cruz was maybe not totally shitty
Well, you knew you were a fool, didn’t you? Over at New York magazine, Eric Levitz has the totally shitty news of Ted’s new totally shitty foreign policy advisors, starting off with Frank Gaffney, a guy who thinks Obama is a Muslim, along with convicted criminal Elliott Abrams,1 and, well, others. Abrams avoided felony indictments…
Yay, Hillary! (I’ll explain)
Yay, Hillary! Okay, that is not something I say easily or often, but our gal’s five to zero sweep of the March 15 primaries over not so smokin’ Bernie Sanders, including a 2 to 1 beatdown in Florida, was welcome news indeed. Bernie’s big mouth had infused enough new blood in the beast known as…
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. “I’m part piranha, girlfriend. Don’t make me prove it.” “Hell, I’ll spawn right here. Like I give a fuck.” “Yeah, we were looking for Salmon Springs. Guess we took a wrong turn.” “Like the rest of the way up it’s bear country? That seems a little extreme.” “You could be eating some…