Yeah, rantin’ Hitler is back, and, apparently, he never went away, “Hitler Rants” seemingly now a permanent cottage industry on YouTube. I haven’t seen one in years, but the following, in which Hitler fulminates over Netflix’s decision to air Jada Pinkett Smith’s take on Cleopatra, is, well, “pretty clutch”, as the kids like to say.
When the subject is “right”, the sight of the Wehrmacht high brass sweating over Der Fuhrer’s fulminatin’ reactions to the inanities of American popular culture never gets old. At least, it hasn’t in the past decade. I first got onto the Hitler rants thing back in 2013, tracking down riffs on an explosive email sent by “Becca”, a University of Maryland sorority girl infuriated by her sisters’ lack of true sister spirit, posting a number of takes on Becca’s fury. Sadly, most of the full performances I featured in my post have been taken down, but one delicious take remains, along with several funny critiques, including Hitler’s. Even better, a number of new ones are up at YouTube. So sample Becca’s wrath. If you dare!
To whet your appetite, I enclose first an excellent rendition by Alison Haislip, followed by a reprise on Hitler’s response: