Okay, maybe Alternative Worlds Elvis and Others isn’t my greatest book, but it is my latest, the eleventh, if you’re keeping score, available from Amazon in both ebook and paperback format. Alternative Worlds reaches out to the multiplicity of universes that surround us on all sides, accessible only through the imagination, universes that contain versions of our own world, with subtle modifications. Pride of place in the exploration of these worlds, of course, goes to Elvis Presley, who appears in four, but a variety of other notorious folks, including Ralph Nader, Milton Friedman, Monica Lewinsky, Bill Clinton, Rudy Giuliani, Oprah Winfrey, and the ghost of Oscar Wilde, also make an appearance . Even Mr. Infinity himself, Georg Cantor, has a cameo. So strap in and go for a ride! The world we’re in right now is definitely due for a replacement!
Special thanks to my editor, Jessica Hoefer, who made sure I spelled my characters’ names both consistently and correctly, and Billi French, who designed the bang-up cover.