A whole week ago I swore off blogging for a couple of weeks in order to engage in some “deep thought”, which I totally have been doing, remarking that I hoped our president would not blow up the world while I did so. Well, Sir Donald isn’t blowing up the world, because he’s so preoccupied with blowing up America.
I’m going to skip all that’s been happening, the better to save my brain power for the, you know, deep thought I’ve been engaging in, but I will reprint a posting from a year ago, which Facebook brought to my mind as part of its “why not post it again” reminder gimmick, the idea being that if you posted pictures from a family get-together or some such a year ago, you might want to remind folks of what a good time you had. Well, all I do on Facebook is publicize the snark I write on my blog, which is about all I do, period, so my latest reminder from the Z-man was regarding the piece I’m posting right below this one, in which I take a poke at Wash Post columnist David Ignatius. Dave is not a stupid guy, but the post of which I bitch is so stunningly stupid that it serves as a testimony to the power of the DC military-industrial complex to make intelligent people say not merely stunningly stupid things, but stunningly calculating and disingenuous ones.
The whole purpose of Dave’s column is to build public support for ultimately trillion-dollar expenditures for weapons systems which we do not need, and which Dave knows we do not need. We do not need them, but Dave’s friends in the Pentagon need them, or they got no jobs. And so Dave writes his buddies a column, to do them a solid, so that, someday down the road, they might return his phone calls when a hot story is breaking. So what if trillions of dollars are wasted on useless projects? So what if hundreds, even thousands, of Americans die in places like Afghanistan, merely to prove that America is “standing tall”? Careers are at stake, here, my man! Careers of important people!