Okay, that was Richard Nixon’s line, but if the modern-day right isn’t there yet, they’re on the way. How lucky can Obama get? His C-, do I really have to be here performance at the debate looked lame enough in comparison to Romney’s scintillating A, but in the week-long rehash, stand-ups and cable news hacks would be sure to downgrade it to an F, if not a fucking zero. Hey, did you see Obama? Why didn’t he drop that bomb on Osama? Seriusly, I haven’t seen a bomb that big since Ishtar! I mean it, that bomb was louder than Jerry Ford’s golfing slacks!
But now, with a good jobs report, and with statistical geniuses like Allen West taking issue and umbrage, he can cry all the way to the voting booth. On top of that, Mitt, reverting all too quickly to form, decides that now is the time to admit that his whole “47% of Americans are incurable deadbeats” rap was, well, totally wrong, even after he said it wasn’t wrong, though, he admitted, not “elegantly stated,” and even after Paul “Who’s He?” Ryan had said it wasn’t wrong, the Big Guy was just “inarticulate.” Obama can’t blow this election if the Republicans won’t let him.
Politico is leading its website with an “Exclusive: Lehrer says he was ‘effective.’” Excuse me, but who the fuck cares?