America’s elites are suffering. You hear it in the frenzied efforts of “responsible” conservatives like Charles “Donald Trump’s Fantasy of Mass Deportation Is Political Poison for the GOP” Krauthammer, Fred “Donald Trump’s Nativist Bandwagon” Hiatt, and George “Trump’s immigration plan could spell doom for the GOP” Will to convince their fellow conservatives to listen to goddamn fucking reason for Christ’s sake and not march off a fucking cliff like a bunch of fucking lemmings. Sad to say, the fucking lemmings—which includes virtually all of the folks seeking the Republican nomination—aren’t fucking listening.
I wish Charles, and Fred, and George, and few select others, like the Koch boys, might consider who, who, has been working tirelessly for real immigration reform, for free trade, and entitlement reform—the great elitist triad—for the past seven years, and who has been pissed on, stabbed, and otherwise cudgeled for his pains. President Obama, that’s who. He has been fighting your battles for you, while you have lied endlessly about his record and goals, and you have done this all to defend America against Kenyan socialism, said Kenyan socialism probably having doubled your net worth since 2009.1 Even now, while the National Review wonders how they will slay the monster Trump their website is filled with the most banal, and most malicious, distortions of the president’s policies. You deserve Trump, conservatives. In spades.
Worried about your stocks? I doubt it. I’m not. ↩︎