Well, he didn’t. He didn’t get the memo saying that you should only make fun of adults with disabilities, rather than, you know, kids! In other words, this, not this.
Frankly, it’s hard to blame Cory. I mean, if it’s okay to take kids away from their parents, why isn’t okay to make fun of their disabilities?
Cory’s “act”—coupled with his refusal to apologize for it—grossed out even the National Review, and, when it comes to being mean to undocumented immigrants, those infestatious little bastards, it’s hard to top NR. Back in January 2016, in an editorial headed “Against Trump”, the editors blasted Trump, not for promising to expel all 11 million undocumented immigrants (which NR acknowledged was “a herculean administrative and logistical task [unfortunately?1] beyond the capacity of the federal government”), but for saying that he would allow many of them back in, “which makes his policy a poorly disguised amnesty.” So watch it, Donnie! Because the National Review is watching you!
- My query, of course. ↩︎