Considering the ungodly plethora of seriously bad people in the world these days—Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, and Xi Jinping, just to mention a few—why do I find it so necessary—or at least so convenient—to pick on New York Times columnist and Israel sycophant Bret Stephens? In the past, I think it was because his hypocrisies—his willingness to lie to his readers for the greater good of Israel—see here and here for examples—were so shameless. But now poor Bret is hoist on his own petard, so to speak—he has exhausted his supply of shamelessness, and is forced willy-nilly to speak the truth regarding the choice of both the United States and Israel to vote against a UN resolution condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine and to lie instead in the gutter with both Russia and North Korea. In his latest column, America’s Most Shameful Vote Ever at the U.N., Bret writes
On Monday, for the third anniversary of Russia’s brutal lunge toward Kyiv, the Ukrainian government put forward a resolution in the General Assembly demanding Russia’s withdrawal of its forces and accountability for its war crimes as the basis of a “comprehensive, lasting and just peace.” Ninety-three countries supported the resolution; 65 abstained, including China. Among the 18 who opposed it were Russia, North Korea, Nicaragua, Belarus, Equatorial Guinea and, vomitously, Israel and the United States.
Yes, the United States—and Israel!—Israel!—are worse than China! China!
Do you think all this will cause Bret to think that perhaps Netanyahu, Trump, and Putin are peas in a pod? Probably not.