The subject is Downton Abbey, a virtual remake of Upstairs, Downstairs, Brideshead Revisited, and a million other bullshit BBC series, featuring “bright green lawns, fresh-cut flowers, polished dinnerware, and sparkling chandeliers”—basically, Martha Stewart without all the Martha Stewart, and servants to do the work instead of you. Put down the glue-gun, sister, and give that bell-pull a yank!
Seth is capable of some self-knowledge and self-restraint, remarking that the show sometimes reminds him of Three’s Company (not a compliment), but otherwise the piece is a non-stop rave for the sort of upper-class oatmeal that the BBC has been grinding out by the ton for the past century. Can’t we just stop eating?
Next to Seth’s story there’s a link to an “advertorial” presented by an outfit called “How Life Works,” which I should probably check up on, because how life works is totally a mystery to me, offering tips on “How to Exercise Your Brain and Make it Strong.” Maybe Seth should click on that.