(NOTE: Jurassic Park is one of the best franchises on film, particularly if you like dinosaurs. Over the next eight or nine weeks I’ll be running a strikingly unbalanced review of the four films, because I’m a big fan of parts 1 & 3, while distinctly unenthusiastic over parts 2 & 4.) Jurassic Parks, Part…
Author: Alan Vanneman
Excuse me. When did Israel turn into the stupid country?
Over at Politico, Ron Dermer, Israel’s ambassador to the U.S., has a piece, “Ten Deadly Lies about Israel”, that has to rank as one of the clumsiest hack jobs I’ve ever read. Dermer’s “discussion” over the violence erupting in Jerusalem can be boiled down to “Israel 100% right, everyone else 100% wrong.” Dermer’s rap is…
Paul Ryan, taking more, giving less, aka More Gratuitous, Uninformed Political Speculation!
Consider yourselves warned, eh? Yes, Paul Ryan says he’ll take the job of Speaker of the House of Representatives, but only if the Republicans really, really love him. This means, among other things, that they all have to vote for him, that he gets his weekends off, that he doesn’t have to spend a lot…
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here “The good news is, it’s free. Although, naturally, we do accept bequests.” “Officially, this is a confessional, but if you just feel like complaining, I’ll understand.” “Another good thing, you can fidget as much as you want.” “Trust me. What an MRI is going to tell you, you don’t want to know.”…
Sylvain Neault—“Bye ya”
Pièce interprétée au récital de fin de maîtrise en violon jazz de Sylvain Neault au TCU (Université Laval, Québec), le 13 mai 2015. Les musiciens: Sylvain Neault, violon ; Martin Desjardins, sax ténor ; Sébastien Champagne, piano ; Alexandre LeBlanc, contrebasse ; Olivier Forest, batterie. Posted by Sylvain Neault
Let’s all laugh at Jennifer Rubin!
I know that Make Fun of Jennifer Rubin Day isn’t for several months, but, well, but what the hell. In her latest and greatest, Jennie explains why Republicans can’t, just can’t nominate Donald Trump, Ben Carson, or Ted Cruz for the presidency. Well, I pretty much agree, but I will also point out, as Jennie…
Thank God for Fareed Zakaria!
U da Man, Fareed! Yeah, a couple of months ago I made fun of Fareed, who was then singing those “Why can’t we be more like China?” blues, claiming that “With an absent United States, China marches on”. According Fareed, while Uncle Sam sits on his ass, “China marches forward, except now it is not…
Jurassic Parks: Stevie and the Dinosaurs
(NOTE: Jurassic Park is one of the best franchises on film, particularly if you like dinosaurs. Over the next eight or nine weeks I’ll be running a strikingly unbalanced review of the four films, because I’m a big fan of parts 1 & 3, while distinctly unenthusiastic over parts 2 & 4.) In 1952 Steven…
Tea-leaf reading from a distance! Anyone can do it!
Well, anyone can, including me, so why not? Why not, indeed? The major topic of Inside the Beltway Baseball these days is whether Rep. Paul Ryan will accept the job of Speaker of the House of Representatives. Ryan is under enormous pressure from the Establishment wing of the Republican Party to do so, but one…
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here “Thirty seconds from now, they won’t be looking so gorgeous.” “Diablement intelligent, ces Américains!” “Hey, where are they from, the Isle of friggin’ Lesbos?” “Take it from me, nudity is a good starter, but a bad finisher.” “If it isn’t a cloud formation, we’re fucked.” “I’m trying to be blasé. How can…