Appearing on CNN, newly elected House Speaker Paul Ryan “explained” why he had promised conservative Republicans that he wouldn’t attempt to pass immigration reform legislation as long as Barack Obama is president. “Specifically on this issue, you cannot trust this president,” Ryan said, claiming that the president’s executive actions intended to improve the lot of…
Author: Alan Vanneman
Masahiko Watanabe—“In Walked Bud”
Masahiko Watanabe, Vibes, Yuko Sakuma, Piano, Satoshi Ikeda, Bass, and Hidehiro Kanaizuka, Drums. Yeah, Hidehiro’s a bit over-miked, but, hey, it’s live! Posted by yuzu yuzuyuno
When Geniuses Lie
Is Lowell Wood a genius? Totally. You can read his fascinating story at Bloomberg Business, “How an F Student Became America’s Most Prolific Inventor”, just a wee bit of a bullshit title, since Lowell was not an F student for very long. But that’s okay, because Lowell, even though a very real, and very serious,…
Jurassic Parks: Stevie and the Dinosaurs, Part 3
(NOTE: Jurassic Park is one of the best franchises on film, particularly if you like dinosaurs. Over the next six or seven weeks I’ll be running a strikingly unbalanced review of the four films, because I’m a big fan of parts 1 & 3, while distinctly unenthusiastic over parts 2 & 4.) Jurassic Parks, Part…
Phony Evenhandedness, Case No. 377,421,903
Wash Post columnist Robert J. Samuelson sez: “Hey, those Republicans and those Democrats! They both need to grow up, amirite or amirite?” Well, sure, Bob, but when it comes to your topic du jour, the national debt ceiling, it’s the Republicans, and only the Republicans, who need to grow up. Because it’s the Republicans, and…
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here “Sorry, dad, but you’ll never land me with that line! Ha, ha, just kidding. Who do I have to fuck around here for a rimshot?” “Don’t cast at the target, cast through the target.” “So when do you turn into a handsome prince” Because if you don’t, I am so out of…
Imaginary Conversations: John Boehner and Paul Ryan
Boehner: OK, I got BO to buy into that budget package you put together. I’ll announce it, you’ll denounce it, the freaks will bite, we’ll pass it anyway, and you’ll have smooth sailing until the election. Ryan: You’re a prince, JB, a prince! Boehner: I’ll remember that when I need a favor. If I ever…
The Democratic Hole
Matthew Yglesias has a piece over at Vox that is deservedly getting some recognition: “Democrats are in denial. Their party is actually in deep trouble”. But while Matt talks a lot about the facts on the ground—deep weakness at the state level and in both house of Congress, with no obvious way out—he doesn’t talk…
Chris Christie, move over! (if you can!)
New Jersey Governor/lardbutt Chris Christie has noticed that the percentage of Republican primary voters who are black approaches zero, while the percentage who are, um, totally fucking racist is a lot higher, which is why he says things like this (via Rena Flores, CBS News): “The problem is this, there’s lawlessness in this country” Christie…
Herbie Hancock & Ron Carter—“Blue Monk”
What is there to say? Performed at the Monk Institute’s inaugural concert “A Tribute to Thelonious Monk” in 1986. Posted by the Monk Institute