Well, Iowa is done, and, fortunately, I didn’t make any predictions, because I would have messed up the Republican side entirely. As I recall, though I can’t find the post, the last time I was heard from, I was predicting a Bush win, marking me as the dumbest prognosticator in the country. Fortunately—or not—my vaguer…
Author: Alan Vanneman
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. “Okay, this is what is going to happen. The curare will wear off in a few hours, at which point you’re going to give me the fuck of my life, after which, you will leave. Capisce?” “Okay, kids. This is your new daddy.” “You can start with the bedroom….
Getting to Denmark. Or not.
The welcome mat is not really out in Denmark. The Guardian reports on steps the country has taken to deal with the influx of refugees. “Under the new Danish law, police will be allowed to search asylum seekers on arrival in the country and confiscate any non-essential items worth more than 10,000 kroner (£1,000) that…
Why isn’t the Fed omniscient? Conservatives want to know!
The Federal Reserve caused the Great Depression. It also caused the Great Recession. Why? Because it couldn’t predict the future. That’s the late Milton Friedman’s explanation for the GD, and it’s now David Beckworth and Ramesh Ponnuru’s explanation for the GR, “It took a bigger shock to the economy [than the decline in the housing…
Here’s a newsflash for you, NYT: Hillary Clinton is not so hot
In case you don’t feel like reading through 902 responses to the New York Times’s seriously rose-tinted endorsement of Hillary Clinton, well, here’s comment no. 903: “I would vote for Hillary over whoever the Republican nominee will be, but this "portrait” is seriously airbrushed. Hillary helped lie us into an entirely unnecessary and unsuccessful war…
Au revoir, Politico?
The top management of ultimate Inside the Beltway insider pub Politico basically split in half, as the Washington Post’s Erik Wemple explains in some detail. How bad is it? So bad that Politico hasn’t got the nerve to cover it. I guess it’s hard to analyze your own death.
David Bowie versus Hopalong Cassidy—Who was cooler?
I’m in a bit of a rut here, aren’t I? Well, when you’ve got a meme that works, you stick with it. I must admit that I’m more than tardy in paying my respects to Mr. Bowie, but I had more important things to do, like making fun of David Brooks, who just never seems…
The President of the United States is not our commander in chief
The president is commander in chief of the armed forces, not commander in chief of the country. It was Ronald Reagan, with his deep love of military pageantry, who introduced the modern cult of the “c-in-c,” and George H. W. Bush, who, unlike Reagan, had actually been in combat, continued the tradition. Son George W….
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. “Reindeer power, motherfucker! Reindeer power!” “Wait’ll you see what we’ve got planned for the after party!” “You don’t understand. He likes pulling the sleigh! Get it? I mean, get it?” “It just came to me—“Jolly old St. Nick, move over, and let jolly young Rudolph take over! It was that easy!” “Animal…
Are We Germany Yet?
In 1932, the two top presidential vote getters in Germany were Adolph Hitler (Nazi) and Ernst Thälmann (Communist). Well, Donald Trump is no nazi, and Bernie Sanders no communist, but it says a lot about the state of America that the Donald and the Bern are the two hottest acts in America these days. Incomes…