Yeah, I’m back. Definitely. My Brand? Kool. Absolutely. That’s my chick there. Yeah, I know, yoga chicks and cats go together. I’m livin’ the cliché, and, believe me, it’s not bad. I had to train her, of course. She had a lot of trouble with the whole carnivore thing. Dames, right? Well, we…
Author: Alan Vanneman
Piotr Wyleżoł Trio—“Skippy”
Piotr Wyleżoł – piano, Michał Barański – bass, Pedro Segundo – drums. Posted by Piotr Wyleżoł
An embarrassment of parties, an embarrassment of elites
The New Hampshire results are in, and both parties look terrible. For the Republicans, the base is worse than the leadership. For the Democrats, the leadership is worse than the base. Half the Republican base generally regards foreigners as job-stealing, welfare-loving rapists and terrorists. Such rank nativism hasn’t played a significant role in American politics…
The Washington Post demands combat!
It’s time to get tough with Cuba! It’s time to get tough with Russia! It’s time to get tough with China! It’s time to get tough with North Korea! It’s time! It’s high time! That’s the rap over at the Washington Post editorial page, which is definitely cruisin’ for a bruisin’, and I mean a…
Fred Kaplan, still not getting it—UPDATED
Several dog lifetimes ago, Bob Newhart was on the Tonight show, and he told Johnnie Carson “You know, Johnnie, truth is stranger than fiction. And even if it isn’t we’re going to pretend that it is, because if you buy the frame, you buy the bit.” The accuracy of Bob’s words of wisdom were perfectly…
Megan McArdle, now a realist, but still brewin’ that Kool-Aid
Megan McArdle, who once gave herself the Randian if not randy moniker of “Jane Galt,” now presents herself as a shockingly blasé Washington insider, a realist who knows that “real change” in DC is impossible, because what’s real in Washington is compromise: “Everything you do in Washington is a compromise. There are a lot of…
That’s so you can hear her, Bob.
“Bob Woodward says Hillary Clinton ‘shouts’ too much“
Will the meek inherent the earth?
Have you ever heard of, much less checked out, “SR”, aka “Screening Room”, a site created by Amazon to push its video products? Well, I just visited their entry for *Red Oaks”, a rollicking (I guess) sit-com redolent of “sex, drugs, and side-ponies” set in the eighties and guaranteed to remind you of Caddyshack. Another…
Played Twice—“Blue Bolivar Blues”
Played Twice at Servant Jazz Quarters in early 2014. Dan Wood on piano, Nick Malcolm on trumpet, George Crowley on tenor sax, Olie Brice on bass and Simon Roth on drums. Posted by Dan Wood
When will “important” people notice?
When will important people in New York and Washington notice that 65% of Republican voters in the Iowa caucus chose candidates who opposed both the Wall Street bailout and Bush/Obama adventurism abroad (Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul), and about 50% of Democrats (Bernie’s army) did the same? It’s easy to dismiss all four…