Over at Politico, Michael Kruse has a story up regarding the Jeb/Marco friendship/betrayal kerfuffle that includes a hoary/whorey chestnut attributed to Ronald Reagan, to wit: “There’s no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he doesn’t mind who gets the credit.” Of course, what Ronnie meant was “there’s no…
Author: Alan Vanneman
Old 1999
Tumblr informs me that I’m coming up on 2,000 posts, since I started cranking out this stuff back in the early days of the Obama Administration. I confess that even a cursory review reveals that I tend to sound like an old man sitting in a bar yelling at a TV set. Well, this is…
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. “Okay, here’s the deal. One bowl of milk and then you hit the road.” “Wait a minute. You’re not Albert! And you’re not Cecil either!” “Well, look who’s back! Mr. “the sewers are better than this dump any day”! “You’ve come back but Fluffy hasn’t. Should I be worried?” …
William Kristol, unhappily swallowing, though not willing to digest, a very bitter pill
William Kristol, a man I love to hate—or at least ridicule—has a plaintive post up at his rag, the Weekly Standard, labeled “No Outrage”, in which the enraged Mr. Kristol gives vent to his bewilderment that no Republican—not Jeb Bush, not George Bush, not Dick Cheney—has been willing to fault Donald Trump for asserting that…
Estefanía Olmedo Trío—“Brilliant Corners”
https://youtu.be/Kd8f_OS9b9E Nice scatting from Estefanía, with Jaime Serradilla on keyboard and Daniel Abad on bass. On Monk’s original Brilliant Corners album 20 takes failed to produce an acceptable version, so a composite track had to be created. As far as I know, Monk never played it again, either live or in the recording studio, until…
El Nino, not that innocent
De mortuis nil nisi bonum? Not at this site, fella.1 The late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was a conservative hero, but, to my mind, at least, he was vastly over-rated, particularly in his own mind. To begin with, I will not be the first to point out that Nino was one of the infamous…
Iraq now must be seen as the Republicans’ Vietnam, Part II
I remarked earlier on the fact that both Donald Trump and Ted Cruz were gaining traction by rejecting the “muscular” foreign policy that has become de rigueur for Republicans since the Age of Ronnie. Well, now, the Donald has gone completely apeshit, saying that Bush’s incompetence caused 9/11 and that the Iraq war was not…
Two films to see when you’re 13: Deadpool (2016) and The Brain That Would Not Die (1962)
Literature R Us now has comments! Yes, it’s taken a long time, but I assume it will be worth it. To comment on a post, click on the headline, so that only the one article is showing, and the comment box will appear at the end of the post. There will be a few rules:…
Trump chic and other assorted crimes
Over at Slate, Scots-Irish hillbilly for a day Reihan Salam thumps his chest with pride at his sly affection for Donald Trump, who is speaking up for the common man, or at least the common white man: “he is speaking for millions of Americans who’ve lost faith in the political process.” Well, yes. He is…