Luis Deniz and Greg Osby, alto sax, Lorne Lofsky, guitar, Neil Swainson, bass, and Ethan Ardelli, drums. Greg seems to like this tune. Posted by Eugene Beck
Author: Alan Vanneman
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. “I don’t get it. You loved Curious George as a kid.” “Okay, suppose we cut banana breakfasts back to three days a week. Does that sound like a good idea?” “Because Bob and Betty’s Magic Monkey Menagerie is going to explode all over the Internet, that’s why.” “Think of…
Bob Samuelson, making me feel sorry for President Obama
Yeah, I didn’t think it was possible, not after the president’s too Obama to live statements on the Orlando Massacre, repeating vague calls for gun control measures that would not have prevented the killings and refusing to acknowledge murderer Omar Mateen’s shout out to ISIS. I mean, what’s in a name, anyway? Yeah, I’d had…
The Moral of Omar Mateen
The moral of Omar Mateen is that there will be no early end to the disastrous “War on Terror”, which is painfully damaging our culture and causing us to waste hundreds of billions of dollars on a massive and useless military. These are the fruits of “hegemonisn” or “exceptionalism”, promoted so assiduously ever since the…
The F-35 “Hanger Queen”
I recently stumbled across an intriguing site on the Internet,“War Is Boring”, which featured a necessarily long article—necessarily long because it was titled “Everything Wrong With the F-35”, the F-35 being America’s newest and (of course) most expensive fighter jet. The F-35 is in fact the most expensive weapons project in history, and one that…
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. “Then we’ll be two for dinner?” “If it’s all the same to you, sir, I’d prefer not to be called Igor from here on out.” “I’ll notify the Times.” “The lads in the village are very keen on a striker.” “I am sorry to interrupt, sir, but the…
Bernie Sanders, the White Folks’ Candidate
Issac Bailey has a more than terrific post up at Politico, pointing out what I (very briefly) noted, that the whiter the state, the better Bernie Sanders did. Actually, Bernie did a terrific job uniting both white working-class voters, by promising to basically end imports, as well as white college kids, by promising to cancel…
Paul Ryan says he wants to end poverty. He doesn’t. He wants to end government spending on poverty
The public image of poor Lyin’ Paulie Ryan has taken a bit of a beating these days, as Ryan worshippers have to explain why a man who supports the White House aspirations of a man who makes racist statements is still a saint. So they’ve got a new rap: Sure, he supports Donald Trump, but…
I hate to kvetch, but …
Word can’t spell “shiksa”! But can spell “kvetch”! Go figure!
Jay Nordlinger takes a hike
The National Review’s Jay Nordlinger has pretty much made a career out of being a right-wing prick. But when a little prick meets a colossal prick, it seems, the little prick takes a hike. Actually, Jay takes his farewell to the GOP in a pretty impressive, not at all pricky, farewell titled #ExGOP, explaining exactly…