Well, I won’t. I won’t, because I now have a theory to justify my bombast. For months—nay, years—I have been berating the mainstream media for its continuing Paulie worship (catch up on all the bombast right here). Well, now that the scales have been falling from some eyes, thanks to Paulie’s continuing embrace of Donald…
Author: Alan Vanneman
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here “You’ll get a level playing field when you’ve earned a level playing field.” “Like so many things, like, indeed, life itself, this office is unfair.” “This is nothing. When I started, it was a 57° slant.” “Perhaps it’s stating the obvious, but if you can make it here, you can make it…
Paul Ryan a total whore, liberal media is shocked to discover
It is shocking, isn’t it? Young, slender, matinee idol handsome—and smart!—Paul Ryan is in fact a total whore, as the New York Times editorial page—liberal media personified—is shocked to discover, though the Times prefers “weak opportunist”. Even the battle-hardened Weekly Standard was startled by Paulie’s “surprisingly enthusiastic” suck-up to the Donald. It’s the Times, of…
Pornography not a “crisis” but a “problem”, says Judith Shulevitz. What sort of problem?
Okay, this is not as important as, say, Melania Trump’s tribute to husband Donald, which in itself is not that big a deal, I mean, for an immigrant.1 It’s not like she committed rape, for Pete’s sake. So what I’m writing about is even less of a big deal. But still. In the first place,…
Nothing from Cleveland at this website
I may be writing about pornography and Shakespeare later this week, but not in the same post.
Chris Potter—“Ask Me Now”
Chris Potter, tenor sax, Andy LaVerne. piano, Rufus Reid, bass, and Adam Nussbaum, drums. Recorded at the Aebersold Summer Jazz Workshop, July 2015. Posted by Andy LaVerne
Lake Wobegon, Adieu
Garrison Keillor’s farewell to Lake Wobegon is not shown above. That’s a 30-year-old clip from the Letterman show. It’s my intent to weave the two together, so hold on tight. Like many people who commented on Keillor’s farewell, I was not a regular fan of A Prairie Home Companion. However, whenever I stumbled across it,…
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here “You’re in luck! We’ve been looking for a white boy!” “Congratulations! It’s ‘Zeke Week’!” And if you play bridge and pinochle, well, you can practically write your own ticket.” “Let’s get you out of those bib overalls and into a dry martini.” “I know you have a million questions. Fortunately, we have…
Al McLean and Jaleel Shaw—“Bemsha Swing”
Al McLean, Tenor Saxophone; Jaleel Shaw, Alto Saxophone; Bryn Roberts, Piano; Jason Davis, Bass. Posted by Randy Cole
“The Conservative Mind” turns sixty! (Sound of one hand clapping)
Actually, the sound of no hands clapping. From the perspective sheer scholarly effort, Russell Kirk’s 500-page tome, surveying Anglo-American conservative thought from Edmund Burke to T. S. Eliot, is an impressive work, examining dozens of both illustrious and obscure thinkers and arranging them in a coherent historical framework that shows considerable learning as well.1 So…