It’s “Straight No Chaser” month at Literature R Us. In fact, I may give this tune of Monk’s a two-month workout, for it seems to be remarkably popular. I guess I wasn’t paying attention. In any case, it’s Benny Troschel working the trompete, with Christopher Olesch on vibraphon, Felix Henkelhausen on bass, Artemiy Kosarev on…
Author: Alan Vanneman
New York Times Obituary Department now wholly owned subsidiary of Rockwell International and U.S. Air Force
Sam Iacobellis, father of the B-1 bomber, the plane that won the Cold War, is dead. Well, that’s what NYT obit dude Sam Roberts tells us, in a stunning outburst of chest-beating Reaganite nonsense. Sam is dead (I guess), so that part of the obit is true, but the rest of it, I strongly suggest,…
Peter Thiel, Dan Grazier, Mandy Smithberger, and I agree: the F-35 totally sucks
Where’s your cannon, big guy? Well, the F-35 hasn’t got one, not yet. Nor does it have the solutions to dozens of other pressing problems, according to reporters Dan Grazier and Mandy Smithberger, who single handedly dismember the $400 billion and counting “Hanger Queen”. This is at least the second extended beatdown Dan and Mandy…
Peter Thiel is pathetic
Angry, middle-aged billionaire Peter Thiel has a column up in the Washington Post that is remarkable for both its incoherence and lack of substance. Briefly, he advocates the election of Donald Trump so that we Americans can have a universal health care system that works, dadgumit, just like the one in Canada. And it won’t…
“Disciplined” thievery gets Ryan nod
According to House Speaker Paul Ryan, Donald Trump is “more disciplined” these days. How is that, Paulie? Because he’s staying “on message” about stealing Iraqi oil? Every prominent Republican who has not announced, at the least, that s/he will not vote for Donald Trump lacks even a shred of honor. “Establishment Republicans”—which includes every surviving…
Sopon Suwannakit—“Straight, No Chaser”
Sopon Suwannakit, piano, Teerawat Tanboot, bass, and Ben Poovaviranon, drums. Posted by Sopon Suwannakit
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here “I can’t say I’m surprised, Smedley. I’ve always said that constrictors were good starters but bad finishers.” “Well, see if Accounting has use for someone who takes three weeks to process a termination.” “Old Harrellson called your bluff, eh, Smedley? Even a healthy anaconda can’t handle anything over two hundred and fifty…
Shorter Krauthammer: Hey, it’s only six million! What is that in cattle cars?
If I were a Jew, I think I’d be uncomfortable with the figure “six million”. It sends the wrong message, don’t you think? But that’s how many “illegals” Donald Trump targeted for deportation in his latest speech, and Charles Krauthammer, who is a Jew, is totally down with it.. Back in the day, Charlie wrote…
Rich Lowry, headed for the last round up
The Donald’s “new” immigration plan is “detailed and substantive,” Rich Lowry tells us at Politico: “If we aren’t going to have a sweeping amnesty or tolerate the status quo, illegal immigrants must be subject to deportation. All of them don’t have to be rounded up, as Trump ridiculously advocated in the primaries.” No, we won’t…
Woody Allen, last seen in search of lost innocence, and rich wood paneling! I haven’t read USA Today since, well, since never, but if I had I’m sure I would have seen an article headed “We Like Wood” because we do. I first noticed America’s wood fetish while watching one of my favorite TV shows, Monk, in which I noticed a common theme—no matter what the crime,…