Okay, only by a generous stretch of the imagination (mine) is the Washington Post “on the right”, but in fact the Post’s editorial page has been aggressively “neocon”, bordering on Likudist at times, what with George Will, Charles Krauthammer, Richard Cohen, Jennifer Rubin, Anne Applebaum and Fred Hiatt ramping up the room in favor of…
Author: Alan Vanneman
FBI Director James Comey, making Hillary look classy
Yes, Washington can get even uglier than it already is, thanks to FBI Director James Comey, determined to try Hillary Clinton in the court of public opinion based on evidence that, well, it might not actually be evidence. Of anything! But it might be! And if it is evidence, it might relate to something that…
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here “Okay. That’s way too Zen for my ass.” “Okay, I take it back, Bob. Godiva gorp isn’t for sissies.” “Okay! We’ll name it after you! Jesus!” “Real bodhisattvas welcome criticism.” “Impressive, sure. But it’s not really levitating.” “I said we could get in nine holes if we turned back now. And I’m…
Dying Elephant, Struggling Donkey: Politics for the 21st Century
As of this writing, the odds favoring Hillary Clinton’s election stand at 92%, almost enough to allow me to breathe easily. I wish it were higher, but just think how I’d feel if it were only, say, 75%! Yes, Donald Trump’s big mouth, and his tiny, groping hands, have made life much easier for Nervous…
Dini Virsaladze—“Straight No Chaser”
Yes, more “Straight, No Chaser”. Why stop when you’ve got a good thing going? Dini Virsaladze-piano,Roberto Puggioni-bass,David Masteranov-guitar,Guram Tetsoshvili-drums,David Japaridze-percussion. Tbilisi Jazz 2009. Posted by Dini Virsaladze
Law of Supply and Demand not yet a law at Bloomberg.com
Hey, I hate to make fun of a fellow Dutchman, but over at Bloomberg News Simon van Zuylen-Wood really put his foot in it when he wrote the following: “Rent-stabilization laws have their critics, but they account for some of the last sensibly priced apartments in New York City, the second-most-expensive rental market in the…
Yumi Ito & Alessandro Pittini—“Straight No Chaser”
I haven’t gotten tired. Have you? From the Rooftop Bar Zürich. Posted by Yumi Ito
I spent $800 billion in Afghanistan and all they gave me was this lousy tee-shirt
As R. Jeffrey Smith, who hangs his hat at the Center for Public Integrity, so admirably demonstrates, every word of that headline is true, except the part about the tee-shirt. Jeff puts the blame on Hillary, but I’d give the lion’s share to President Obama, who rather gratuitously decided that Afghanistan was the “good war,”…
New Novel!
Like to escape to a better time? One not so Trumpy? Why not travel back to the Eighties, in my new Reagan-era satire, “Traveling North: the Education of Alice Barnstable,” now available from Amazon as both an ebook and a print on demand paperback. Alice Barnstable, a not so simple girl traveling from Valdosta, Georgia,…
Can’t stop the schadenfreude: Vivisecting the Republican Party
Well, if Trump wins you can laugh, but I won’t hear you because I’ll be sobbing too hard. Since I’m not too excited about a Hillary win—go here for a few dozen reasons why—it’s a lot more fun to speculate on what’s going to happen to the Republican Party post-November. For us Democrats, it’s going…