A couple of days ago, WashPost columnist Dan Drezner tweeted the following regarding a speech on illegal immigration by Attorney General Jeff Sessions: “Filth. He described illegal immigrants as “filth.” Whatever your views on immigration that’s f**king embarrassing for a US official to say.” As Dan explained in this column, he was reacting to a…
Author: Alan Vanneman
11 tons of fun
How utterly embarrassing it is to be an American. “We” drop an 11-ton bomb on, well, someone, and the Acela commentariat goes mad with joy. At this rate, how can Trump not drop a nuke? I mean, what can the fucker do for an encore?
Call My Agent!—They’ll always have Paris, because they f*cking live there
Searching for six hours—well, more like 315 minutes—of Trump-free consciousness? Then, if you haven’t already, sign up for Netflix and check out Dix Pour Cent, aka 10 Percent, aka Call My Agent! (which is what Netflix calls it), a catch as catch can tale of agents, actors, directors, wives, mistresses, boyfriends, sons, daughters, and other…
Yo, Archer! Keep the Wheeler & Woolsey jokes coming! Funny stuff!
Some years ago, I fired off a brief shoutout to booze-swilling, whore-banging superspy Sterling Archer, the dysfunctional lacrosse-playing preppie superbrat lead of the ligne claire F/X adult cartoon series that bears his name. Well, seven years later, I’m still laughing. Sterling’s eased off the whores, more’s the pity, but he can still chug Harvey’s Bristol…
Paul Ryan is a coward, Mickey Edwards explains
Former congressman Mickey Edwards, writing the New York Times, parses the shrunken role of Congress in the reign of Trump, noting how House Speaker Paul Ryan lets President Trump call the shots on Capitol Hill, as though the Congress were a subsidiary of the presidency rather than a separate branch of government—the legislative branch, as…
There’s a Tomahawk in your future, America! Lots of them!
When in doubt, blow shit up. That must be Donald Trump’s new motto these days, and why not? We all know the Donald lives for press, and he’s never gotten press since becoming president compared with the hysterical “today, he became a man” praise he’s receiving from our addle-pated mainstream media. The New York Times…
Who cares about policy, when we can watch really cool explosions on TV!
That seems to be the take of a much too large portion of America’s pundits, not to mention Congress, the one group of folks who could actually do something about it. Over at Reason, Ed Krayewski counts the banalities of both congressional and pundit reaction to Donald Trump’s big bang: “Such militaristic president-worship, last seen…
Our TV President
Wouldn’t it be fun if life were like a movie? If every time someone did something wrong, they got punished? Like with a Tomahawk missile? Well, you’re in that movie. The only thing is, I’m not sure the good guys win in this one. You know, it might be one of those dark movies, where…
2017 – 2011 = 6
Back in January 2011, I unleashed a rude outburst directed at then SecDef Robert Gates, “Robert M. Gates, totally full of it. Totally”, prompted by Bob’s statement that, in five years’ time, North Korea would be able to “target” the U.S. with a nuclear-tipped ICBM. Well, it’s six years and counting, so how’s that “direct…
W. B. Yeats called. He wants his word back
Yeah, old Willie B. called, and he’s pissed! He told me that from now on nobody, but nobody—well, nobody except Huckleberry Finn—is allowed to use the word “slouch”. So, you can walk towards Bethlehem, or stride towards Bethlehem, or run towards Bethlehem. But you can’t slouch there. Afterwords Yes, “The Second Coming” is a great,…