Well, the first shoe has dropped. Donald Trump’s vast capacity for unreason has moved from potential to kinesis, from words to deeds. The president who bellowed about American “carnage” in his inaugural address is now inflicting said carnage on our already sullied body politic, by firing our infamously bungling FBI director James Comey, who incidentally…
Author: Alan Vanneman
Yo, Paleoliberals! You can’t go home again! (not really)
David Ignatius reports that Charles Peters, long-time editor of the Washington Monthly and, not incidentally, one-time mentor/editor to David, has the solution to the Democrats’ electoral woes, presented in his new book We Do Our Part. In writing the book, Charlie gets in line behind paleolibs Thomas “What’s the Matter with Kansas?” Frank and Michael…
Roy Haynes, David Kikoski, & John Patitucci—“Trinkle Tinkle”
Okay, let’s do “Trinkle Tinkle” for a while. Haynes on drums, Kikoski on piano, and Patitucci on bass. Posted by emmadetten
Ross Douthat (yes, that Ross Douthat) explains it all for you
I have been perhaps overly hard on Ross Douthat over the years, though I can say with some pride that I haven’t called him “Ross Dumbfuck” since 2012. But, well, that was then and this is now. Ross more or less hits it out of the park with his latest column, “House Republicans Go Off…
P. T. Bloomberg: There’s a sucker born every nano-second
That must be the slogan over at Bloomberg, judging from the posts from such market seers as Ted Seides, Ben Carlson, and Barry Ritholtz. In “Why I Lost My Bet With Warren Buffett”, Ted “explains” why he lost the bet he made with Warren Buffet ten years ago, a bet that “pitted the returns of…
Thelonious Monk—“Nutty”, “Bemsha Swing”, “Epistrophy”, “Crepuscule With Nellie” & “I Mean You”
I was going to run the final clip from an early 60s broadcast featuring Thelonious Monk,Charlie Rouse, John Ore and Frankie Dunlop on the BBC, but it was only 4 ½ minutes, so I decided to switch to this 1961 Dutch broadcast, with a full 19 ½ minutes. Posted by crownpropeller
Yo, Senate! Move your ass!
That’s the word from conservative health care policy maven/guru/wise man Avik Roy, writing in Forbes, urging Senate Republicans to stop waiting for House Speaker Paulie Ryan to get his ObamaCare replacement bill through the House before taking action. Avik has already repeatedly trashed Ryan’s bill, but he’s too polite, or too cautious, to repeat himself,…
Yes, we are hysterical: So Shut the F*ck Up!
That, in capsule form, seems to be the state of the humanities in the world of academia, U.S.A. edition, judging from a singularly depressing piece up at New York magazine, “This Is What a Modern-Day Witch Hunt Looks Like” by Jesse Singal, regarding what happened when Rebecca Tuval, assistant professor at Rhodes College in Memphis,…
Enter Megan McArdle. Cue the faux head-shaking.
O Democrats! O Republicans! They’re both so cwaazzzy! So quoth Bloomsberg babe Megan McArdle, in a recent piece over the low-intensity but long-continuing furor over the inheritance tax/death tax. Sure, Republicans are a bit wacky for getting so sentimental over the supposed heartlessness of taxing multi-million-dollar inheritances, says Megan, but you know something? Those Democrats…
You have to talk to those people in a language they can understand—that is to say, Spanish
“The message has been received that President Trump is, to coin a phrase, a bad hombre,” the ethically and ethnically challenged Rich Lowry informs us, gloating over the decline in illegal border crossings since the advent of Herr Donald. Granted, Trump’s wild and vicious threats during the campaign—to build a “great wall” and force Mexico…