Sounds like a no-brainer, right? Do Republican members of Congress tweet absurd, scurrilous, and/or libelous messages that frequently contradict or disrupt the Administration’s own policies, to the extent that the Administration rarely pursues a course of action over a measurable period of time with enough self-consistency to be called a policy? Do they tell grotesque…
Author: Alan Vanneman
Trump on Qatar: Let the ass-kicking begin!
The quasi-civil war within the Cooperation Council of the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC), pitting Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates against tiny but wealthy Qatar, has alarmed just about everyone in the “West”, with the single exception of President Donald Trump. The Donald has been tweeting enthusiatically that the collision between the…
Republicans’ “Donald is just a little boy” meme totally blows
Okay, for a guy who’s constantly yapping about how much he luvs Mozart, that is a less than classy headline, but sometimes accuracy must trump class. After all, Trump always trumps class. It was House Speaker Paul Ryan, aka Lyin’ Paulie Ryan who first pushed this meme, claiming that Trump couldn’t break the law or…
Republican “analysis”
What Trump did, well, okay, a president isn’t supposed to tell the head of the FBI to discontinue an investigation because the subject is a good guy who’s been through a lot; he shouldn’t expect federal law enforcement officials to function as instruments of his convenience and will; he shouldn’t fire the head of the…
Best … Spam … Evah!
I just got an email promising the following: “2 delicious foods proven to reverse hair loss”! Yes, it’s true, thanks to the ingenuity of an unnamed ingenious 48-year-old dude from East Providence, Rhode Island (where there are a lot of smart dudes), who’s discovered this rare enzyme that’s been screwing mankind over for lo these…
Damn you, Rotten Tomatoes!
Yes, damn you, Rotten Tomatoes! Damn you and your damn “Squish-o-meter” algorithm or whatever it is you used to assign the new Baywatch a miserable 20% rating, thus making it impossible for me to look at myself in the mirror with a straight face and go off in search of some agreeable retro soft-core raunch….
Andrés Hayes Quinteto—“Trinkle tinkle”
With Ernesto Jodos piano, Patricio Carpossi guitarra, Jeronimo Carmona contrabajo, and Andrés Hayes saxo tenor. At the Café Vinilo May 18, 2012. Posted by Andrés Hayes
Donald and the Paris accords—a tale of a tub
Back in the day, as only old-timey English majors would know, a dude named Jonathan Swift wrote A Tale of a Tub, which Swift, wrapping himself in multiple layers of irony, describes as a sort of prelude to a great work of immense learning that will resolve all the tensions of the age. In the…
Mine’s bigger! What the “free enterprise” space race is really about
That’s the mighty, if not almighty, SpaceX Falcon 9 blasting off into space, Elon Musk’s baby and humankind’s first step to the stars, at least as Elon tells it. Right below is Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen’s “Stratolaunch,” the world’s biggest airplane, which hasn’t actually flown yet, but when it does, watch out! Because it will…
Donald Trump, a shande far the Jews
Jennifer Rubin gives us goys a break, and a laugh, by explaining just how many Jewish toes got stepped on by Donald “Big Belly” Trump when the Donald decided he wouldn’t be moving the American embassy to Israel to Jerusalem, as he had promised that he really, really would. As Rubin notes, it’s pretty much…