You may remember Bottom’s Dream from A Midsummer Night’s Dream—“past the wit of man to say what dream it was: man is but an ass, if he go about to expound this dream. Methought I was–there is no man can tell what. Methought I was, and methought I had, but man is but a patched…
Author: Alan Vanneman
Sauce for the goose
Over at the National Review, David French has a piece, Media, Tell the Truth: The Women’s March and Black Lives Matter Embrace Terrorists, rightfully pointing out that officials within Women’s March have repeatedly praised “revolutionary” murderer Assata Shakur, while Black Lives Matter officials have praised Fidel Castro for nobly protecting Shakur and other noble black…
Jungha Lee & Sergej Avanesov–“Trinkle Tinkle” Jungha on piano and Sergej on sax. Posted by seergejavanesov3
Norman Rockwell, Social Justice Warrior
Not too long ago, I belonged to an online group, to which I no longer belong. Someone posted a collection of Norman Rockwell’s still famous (I guess) Saturday Evening Post covers and, as I glanced through them, I grew a little irritated by the relentless parade of happy, fifties, middle-class WASPs. I actually grew up…
Ramesh Ponnuru, last seen trumpin’ Trump
There was a time, so I’ve been told, when Ramesh Ponnuru was considered a reasonable man. Well, here is his latest posting, in full, “Trump v. Sessions, Rosenstein, and Mueller, over at the National Review: “If the attorney general isn’t doing his job properly; if the deputy attorney general is hopelessly conflicted; if the special…
War for the Planet of the Apes: Silence is golden, so it would seem
Back in the day, I used to work as a contractor with the National Commission for Education Statistics. Whenever we put out a report, we agonized, not over data, but over pictures. We have to send the right message here! We need Hispanic kids and black kids! The black boy is looking down the microscope?…
Mark Lockett Quintet–“Trinkle Tinkle” Live recording at Paris Cat Jazz Club, 2 December 2008, Melbourne, Australia. Mark Lockett, drums; Paul Van Ross, sax; Shannon Barnett, trombone; Mark Fitsgibbon, piano; and Desmond White, bass. Posted by MALockett08
Jamie Dimon, last seen talking out of both sides of his mouth
Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase & Co., is widely assumed to be a very smart man, as well as a very rich one. BloombergPolitics catches up with Jamie on his way back from a trip abroad to Israel, Ireland and France and reports the following: “It’s almost an embarrassment being an American traveling around…
For the Right, All Roads Lead Through Russia. Unfortunately.
For the “Respectable Right,” I mean—the Wall Street Journal Right, the National Review Right—the “Thoughtful Right”—I guess you could call them, Big Donnie’s recent speech in Poland, which I, uh, didn’t like, made their little hearts beat faster than Max Roach’s Night in Tunisia drum solo from the Jazz at Massey Hall album (which you…
ii-v-i orchestra–“Trinkle Tinkle” From five years ago. The ii-v-i was once an Ann Arbor fixture, but seems to have fallen on hard times in the last two years.No personnel available, unfortunately. Posted by David Swain, who has more performances by the group.