Or non-homographic homophones, to be more precise. That is to say, a word that “Word” will not mark as incorrectly spelled, even though it’s not the word you meant, because you misspelled the word you meant. The most common of these little buggers, to use a more convenient term, are possessives/plurals, which, I suspect, will…
Author: Alan Vanneman
Jazztory— “Four in One”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zcguot5lU7I Bulgarian jazz? Yeah, baby! Hot from Sophia, Club Studio 5. Alexander Logozarov, guitar; Arnau Garrofe Farraz, tenor sax; Boris Taslev, bass; Borislav Petrov, drums/producer/host. Posted by Jazztory Archive
Yo, Josh Barro! There is no “tragedy”, and no “dignity”, amongst the GOP! They are Trump’s toadies, one and all!
Josh Barro, who writes for the Business Insider (which describes me perfectly), is not uniformly an idiot. He just writes like one with alarming frequency. A few weeks ago, Mr. Barro chose to descant on the “great tragedy” of Paul Ryan. Well, excuse me while I kiss the sky, and then vomit. Sorry, Josh. To…
Ronald Radosh, last seen turning his back on Ethel Rosenberg
No one appointed me as Ronald Radosh’s nemesis/conscience. So I appointed myself. I have assumed this burden out of a mixture of admiration, sympathy, and disappointment. In 1983, Radosh and Joyce Milton produced one of the classic works of Cold War scholarship, The Rosenberg File, demonstrating, as clearly as anything can be demonstrated that —Julius…
Tongue of Newt!
Here is my new novel, in all its glory, glowing with a cover designed by noted mid-Pennsylvanian photographer Ben Cohen (although Ben did not take the cover shot), and telling the story of Jerry Callahan, a small-town Ohio boy out to make it big in the hard-hearted District of Columbia, circa 2008. Jerry makes a…
Nabonga! Caution! Gorillas—and women—can be hazardous to your health.
A little set-to on Facebook regarding Nabonga, a 1944 gorilla flick that marked singer/film star Julie London’s maiden voyage on the silver screen, prompted fellow Bright Lights Film Journal dude C. Jerry Kutner1 to challenge me to a review. Well, with this, that, and the other thing, including pushing forward a new novel to publication…
Aaron Diehl Quartet—“Four In One”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1GXT8CEIPw Dominick Farinacci (Trumpet), Aaron Diehl (Piano), Paul Sikivie (Bass), Lawrence Leathers (Drums), featuring Wess Anderson (Alto/Sopranino Sax), with additional guests Wynton Marsalis (Trumpet) and Victor Goines (Tenor). Posted by Aaron Diehl
Rich Lowry, last seen grabbing his ankles like a man
You know what is like rape? Rape is like rape: when it’s inevitable, you might as well bend over and enjoy it. Such is the gist and giblets of Rich Lowry’s recent post over at the National Review, “The Never Trump Delusion”, informing his principled peers that anal rape is the better part of valor—though…
Kevin Williamson, more peccant than impeccable
There’s a bit of a to-do in the blogosphere regarding the recent hiring of Kevin “Mattress Face” Williamson1 by the Atlantic, one that leaves me, remarkably enough, on the side of the ululating left, who are (mostly) mad at Kev’s pathetically “provocative” “jest” that women who get abortions should be hung.2 I don’t think old…
David Ignatius is NOT a vampire. He CAN see himself in a mirror. He just doesn’t WANT to.
You can’t blame the guy, can you? If I lied like Dave, I wouldn’t want to look at myself in the mirror either. Dave’s latest gaze blocker, delivered in the course of his mandatory suck-up to newly arrived enabler in chief John Bolton, runs as follows: “Bolton’s hawkishness toward North Korea now looks prescient. He…