Oh, I’ve been fucked, and fucked quite wellNot by my husband—I wonder, is that always so?He was handsome, yes, and considerateA gentleman? Not really, much more of a boyI doubt I’m grand enough for a gentlemanBut it was sweet being conqueredI never would have guessed how it could be soTo be taken, well, I don’t…
Author: Alan Vanneman
National Security Adviser Jim Jones, so not a stand-up
National Security Adviser Jim Jones, apparently intent on dispelling the rumor that Joe Biden is the stupidest man in Washington, began a speech at the Washington Institute for Near Eastern Policy with a Jew joke—a Jew joke that went like this: A Taliban militant gets lost and is wandering around the desert looking for water….
Dave Samuels—“Bemsha Swing”
Vibist/Marimbist Dave Samuels with Mark Walker, drums, and Oscar Stagnaro, electric bass, during the Berklee Percussion Festival in June 2009. The melody emerges around three minutes in.
What happens when you weigh around four megayottagrams
You explode, of course, as a result of “runaway thermonuclear reactions triggered by gamma ray-driven antimatter production,” as the Daily Galaxy has it. If you scroll on down, you’ll learn that about 3,000 years ago, a white dwarf may have gone Type 1a supernova on our asses, releasing sufficient radiation to destroy us all. Or…
Fuck the Blacks. They never vote for us anyway.
Over at Politico, we have the following report on Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour’s view of the recent unpleasantness in the Old Dominion regarding that least interesting and most trivial of subjects, the oppression of tens of millions of Black Americans by their masters for, oh, two and a half centuries or so. ‘Mississippi Gov. Haley…
iAd? Eye Ow! Steve gets the cash, you get the pain
Steve Jobs, black shirt extraordinaire, introduces a brand-new app, the iAd, which makes life a whole lot easier—easier, at least, for people who want to sell you things. Over at Slate, Farhad Manjoo sounds a bit bitter at the prospect of ads “that require me to type in my name, play a game, answer some…
Because he wrote like an idiot, that’s why
Rod Dreher, here, wonders why Catholic novelist/windbag Walker Percy is “almost forgotten” and unwittingly supplies the answer by quoting from a speech Percy gave at Notre Dame (I’m guessing, the Indiana one, but, really, who knows) upon receipt of the “Laetare Medal”—whatever the fuck that is: “It’s no accident that I think that German science,…
Douglas Brinkley pops open a double case of Kiss-Ass
In Sunday’s LA Times, historian Douglas Brinkley describes The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama, by “Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist” David Remnick, as a “brilliantly constructed, flawlessly written biography.” I don’t know if I would have read The Bridge if I hadn’t read Doug’s review, but now that I have, I do: I’m not.
Love is all around, and so is evil
Over at the New York Times, Russian novelist Sergey Kuznetsov ruminates on the recent subway bombings in a column called “Moscow Under Attack.” If someone had detonated a couple of bombs in the DC Metro, I think I’d be as upset as Sergey, but his big line, “In the end, nobody knows who is responsible…
Louis Armstrong Jack Teagarden: “Jeepers Creepers”
Fuzzy picture, not bad sound, great performers, Louis playing some awfully sharp trumpet for a 58-year-old man.