Well, yes, of course it is. We shouldn’t judge someone simply on the basis of the way they speak. In any event, we cauliflower-eared Americans can’t tell the difference between an English, Irish, Scottish, Australian, or even South African accent in the first place, so we are, in all likelihood, often “rejecting” people who hate…
Author: Alan Vanneman
John McCain, Paul Ryan, and the Myth of the Virtuous Republican
John McCain is one of those guys who, when he dies, people say “he was the last of a dying breed.” No one will ever say that about Paul Ryan. John McCain was a genuine war hero, a man who preferred to face hardship, torture, and even death rather than abandon his comrades. Paul Ryan…
Max Perov—“In Walked Bud”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k14KqXJQ0wY Monk on flugelhorn is definitely a treat. Posted by MaxPerov
Peter Beinart: Cogent, with a caveat
Actually, more than cogent. Beinart, a chastened former liberal hawk who supported George’s W. Bush’s massively flawed and fraudulent invasion of Iraq, has learned his lesson pretty well, setting forth his conviction that “America Needs an Entirely New Foreign Policy for the Trump Age”, though I would much prefer another term for “the present” than…
Thought Police No, What Were They Thinking Police, Sort of
No, New York Review of Books editor Ian Buruma shouldn’t have been bounced from his job for running “Reflections From a Hashtag”, an article by former Canadian broadcasting host Jian Ghomeshi, explaining, and explaining away, his multiple problems arising from complaints by more than twenty women of various forms of sexual abuse. It was particularly…
Thomas Fraioli—“In Walked Bud”
Shades? Check. Porkpie hat? Check. Ax? Check. Thomas Fraioi is ready to rhumba.
Sebastian Mallaby, shamelessly—nay, nakedly—covering Alan’s ass
(Author’s note: What started as a brief headslap directed at Sebastian Mallaby turned into a 3,000+ word semi-diatribe on the subject of the multiple sins of Sebastian, Alan Greenspan, and a few other big-wigs. Read at your own risk.) Okay, not my ass, the other Alan’s ass—Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the Federal Reserve. The…
Meanwhile, the war continues
That’s the war to start war, you understand, because the Weekly Standard thinks we’re just not killing enough people. The “Editors”, meaning Bad Boy Billy Kristol, demand that we “Stop Calling Russia a Competitor”! You know what Russia does? “Putin’s government invades neighboring states, murders its opponents with impunity on foreign soil, undermines the elections…
Did Dianne Feinstein just make Mitch McConnell look like a p*ssy?
I don’t know. I don’t know if Dianne is shrewd, senile, or lucky. Maybe she sat on the now famous letter because she was afraid to do anything else. Maybe she “arranged” to have herself pressured so that she would have “no choice” but to do whatever it is she wanted to do. But however…
Truffles To Die For
(Preface to Author’s Note: I originally posted this story last Monday, saying that, since it was so long, I’d be posting it in two parts. Well, fine, except that I forgot to make the partition and thus ended up posting the whole thing. If you read the story last week and were expecting further developments…