The New York Times has been notoriously squeamish about labeling waterboarding and other vicious acts of torture indulged in by the Bush Administration, and sedulously never inquired about by the Obama Administration, as “torture,” on the grounds that, well, the Bush folks said that it wasn’t torture, and the Times never takes sides in a…
Author: Alan Vanneman
“Tom” plays “Ask Me Now”
Posted by “spheremusik,” aka Tom Luther. Also features photos of Damariscotta in February, looking very much as you might imagine it would.
DeLong punks Krugman
That is to say, DeLong punks Krugman if “punk” means “point out the gaping logical and factual fallacies in an opponent’s argument.” Berkeley economist Brad DeLong frequently links to Princeton economist and Nobel winner about town Paul Krugman with an enthusiasm that can approach hero worship. Today, however, Brad shows himself to be a man…
Alan Simpson, suggesting that perhaps since he has his, maybe everyone, young and old alike, should maybe just go the fuck to hell
Former Wyoming Senator and Co-chair of President Obama’s deficit commission wants to save Social Security from the greed of old folks, forcing them to listen to reason and show some common sense and not burden their kids and grandkids with an unsupportable financial burden. Except that kids today, they’re so fucked up, who could give…
David Brooks, thinking again
No, nothing’s burning. Dave’s thinking again, and in his new book The Social Animal, he explains exactly what the rest of us should be doing with our lives, which is, basically, doin’ that Fifties thing. As Michael Agger tells it, as Dave tells it, we need to start listening to our unconscious. Back in the…
Wynton Marsalis plays Monk: “Reflections”
Loaded, apprpropriately enough, by “wyntonmarsalis”
Let’s all kill Private Manning
I know you haven’t had a chance to read my cri de cœur regarding the current state of affairs, because I just posted it five minutes ago, but I have to tell you that things have gotten worse. Glenn Greenwald, as usual, fills us in on the latest horror of the Obama Administration, 22 more…
Thoughts on the current discontents
(Editor’s note: The following was intended to be a reasoned, coherent essay on the current state of affairs. Unfortunately, I’m better at ranting.) What’s happening in the Middle East? Damfino. Robert Darnton thinks it’s 1789. Ann Applebaum thinks it’s 1848. If Ann’s right, things ought to be pretty tight all around the Mediterranean around the…
Thoughts on the current discontents
What’s happening in the Middle East? Damfino. Robert Darnton thinks it’s 1789. Ann Applebaum thinks it’s 1848. If Ann’s right, things ought to be pretty tight all around the Mediterranean around the year 2150 or so. Take that, Caesar Augustus!1 But what about the home front? Well, I had hoped to comment on Obama’s State…
Twas a famous victory—well, except for the decapitation. That wasn’t so good.
Over at the Literary Review (definitely English) Adrian Tinniswood (likewise) gives a nice take on John Stubbs’ latest, Reprobates: The Cavaliers of the English Civil War, 549 pages on the Cavalier Poets, young lads who hung out with an aging Ben Jonson and sought to make a name and a career for themselves by sucking…