Is it a sad commentary on my life that I have watched all five of this season’s episodes of the new Magnum, PI?1 Well, yes, it is, but that’s not what I want to talk about. What I want to talk about is the new series’ attempts to come to grips with racism, which as…
Author: Alan Vanneman
Andy Martin and John Allred—“Blue Monk” No video, just pictures, but I’m making an exception because I like trombones. 2003 Newport. Nothing on the other musicians, unfortunately. Posted by jazzytrib Need more Monk? Yes, you do. Go to Mostly Monk and continue your education.
Elliott Abrams, Easily Appeased
The recent murder and dismemberment of Jamal Khashoggi has upset the Washington establishment in a manner that the deaths of tens of thousands citizens of Yemen have not, presumably because those poor souls had the misfortune not to live in Washington. In any event, everyone who is anyone in Washington now has a conscience about…
The New Yorker doesn’t know what “ephemeral” means, together with other considerations
Over at the New Yorker, there’s a long and generally excellent piece by Hua Hsu on that on-going feast n’ farce o’ schadenfreude, the Harvard Asian-American discrimination lawsuit. But there are two sentences near the end of the article that boggle the mind severely, to wit: One of the most ephemeral qualities that admissions officers…
Thelonious Monk—“Blue Monk” Monk in 1964 on a Scandinavian tour. Charlie Rouse on tenor. Information on the bassist and drummer isn’t readily available, but (probably) Larry Gales on bass and Ben Riley on drums. Posted by inations. Need more Monk? Yes, you do. Go to Mostly Monk and continue your education.
The New Yorker doesn’t know what “ephemeral” means, together with other considerations
Over at the New Yorker, there’s a long and generally excellent piece by Hua Hsu on that on-going feast n’ farce o’ schadenfreude, the Harvard Asian-American discrimination lawsuit. But there are two sentences near the end of the article that boggle the mind severely, to wit: One of the most ephemeral qualities that admissions officers…
Sweeping up a few Republican crumbs
Okay, that’s a bit harsh, even though, let’s face it, a lot of Republicans are crumbs. A week or two ago, I ran a piece, “John McCain, Paul Ryan, and the Myth of the Virtuous Republican”, in the course of which I quoted fairly extensively from two often interesting “I’m outta here” books by (more…
Gregg Easterbrook watches the lying liberal media so you don’t have to
What is the deal with lying liberal media these days, those bad old legacy networks like CBS and NBC, filling the air with their bullshit lies? Deceit is the deal, and the Weekly Standard’s Gregg Easterbrook is on the case. Unfortunately, Gregg, in his role of “Tuesday Morning Quarterback,” tends to hide his epistemological light…
God’s in his heaven, all’s right with the world: Magnum, P.I. is back on the air!
Okay, that’s a little too cheerful, isn’t it? Well, when God gives you lemons, pour yourself a double shot of Tequila, I always say. It’s sure as hell better than lemonade. No, the return of Magnum, P.I. to television won’t compensate for much of anything, but the “good news” is that’s significantly less irritating than…
Donald Trump is a bad man, General Colin Powell discovers.
“My favorite three words in our Constitution are the first three words: ‘We the People’,” [General Colin] Powell said on Fareed Zakaria’s ‘GPS’ on Sunday. “But recently, it’s become ‘Me the President’ as opposed to ‘We the People.’ And you see things that should not be happening.” So reports Mary Papenfuss in the Huffington Post….