Yes, the WSJ is pissing me off again. It’s getting to be a habit with them. Their latest and greatest is this piece of shit, claiming that it was mere “irrational exuberance” on Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s part—which is, after all, his “trademark”— when he said that it would be an “almost treasonous” of Fed…
Author: Alan Vanneman
Go us. The subtle joys of Drew Grant
OK, let’s stop talking about politics, Chinese aircraft carriers, and the war crimes of Barack “Assassinations ‘R Us” Obama for one whole day and see how that feels. Instead, let’s enjoy ourselves, totally, by wallowing in Drew Grant’s weekly recaps of HBO’s gorefest/whorefest, “True Blood,” for Salon, the latest example of which is here. Reading…
The sound of one balloon bursting
If this is Wednesday it must be time for another attempt by Bill Kristol and his merry men to pretend that Paul Ryan is going to run for president. Paul Ryan isn’t going to run for president. Why does Bill Kristol want to pretend that he is? Because Paul Ryan is the author of a…
As a patriotic American, it is your duty to make Ralph Douthat happy
Well, it is. Ralph himself says so in this post, directed at wiseguys Jonathan Chait and Daniel Larison, who have been making fun of Ralph’s continuing obsession with asthmatic lardbutt Chris Christie. Getting just a wee bit testy with Jon and Dan for not agreeing with him about Chris, Ralph lets fly with the following…
Because he can’t win, or because he can?
The Wall Street Journal editorial page, easily my least favorite site on the web, bemoans the weak Republican field. Michele Bachmann, they claim, “has a record of errant statements” (as if the Journal doesn’t), has seemed “on occasion less principled than opportunistic” (Oh, snap!), and (the topper) “Americans are already living with the consequences of…
Adventures in Ankle-Grabbing
A man wrote this: “Over the past week, my colleague in Austin and Andrew Sullivan have been discussing whether there is a Rick-Perry-sized hole in the race. With respect to Mr Sullivan I side with E.G.; while Mr Perry might choose to enter the race and might do quite well, there is no sizable bloc…
What Slate is saying about me
I’ve written before about Slate’s habit of recommending stories for me. Well, they’re at it again. According to their spies, this is what I wish I were reading: Is Bar Refaeli really the hottest swimsuit model in the world? Ginnifer Goodwin stunned by Weight Watchers backlash Ten worst things you can put in your cover…
The use and self-abuse of history, William Kristol edition
Over at the Weekly Standard, William Kristol is musing about history, or at least pretending to. After muttering and mumbling about Ames and such, Billy posts his nut graph (three of them, actually, but they’re short) at the very end of his column: Should Republicans yield to history, and resign themselves to a Romney-Perry choice?…
The Good Ship Varyag, still making waves
In my recent fulmination regarding Time Magazine’s trumpeting of the non-existent danger posed to America by the launch of China’s first aircraft carrier, the reconstituted hulk formerly known as the Varyag, I assumed that only Time would be crass enough to try to make geo-political hay out of the launch of a naval museum piece….
Moods of Thelonious—“Ask Me Now”
Eric Montigny, piano; Ronald Alphonse, sax; Daniele Israel, trombone; Laurent Bernarnd, bass; Stéphane Lambotte, percussion; Dimitri Granger, percussion; David Patrois, vibraphone & marimba. Posted by “tostud”